Pansy's worst nightmare

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Professor Snape was still a bit terrified, even when breakfast time was approaching. He wasn't sure if he was even able to eat breakfast anyway. Pansy didn't sleep well due to the fact that her father was bound to read that article. She knew she was also bound to face retribution for her supposed passionate snogging session with that Ronald. Draco also realized that his father will give him corporal punishment again, this time for 'having the hots' for the Weasley girl. Ron was uncharacteristically rendered somewhat sleepless due to Hermione berating him over dreaming about her while snogging Parkinson.

(Ron's flashback)

After leaving the Great Hall, Hermione dragged Ron over to an empty classroom and cast the locking spell and silence charm on the door. Then she flashed a dirty look at the youngest male Weasley, making him cower a bit.

"Do you care to explain why you snogged that filthy snake while dreaming about doing the same to me?" asked Hermione in a no-nonsense voice.

"I-I was i-in a deep s-sleep," said Ron sheepishly. "H-How was I-I..."

"Uh huh, sure," said Hermione irritably. "Perhaps you're gonna start comparing the two of us now, hmm?" She had her arms crossed as she continued glaring at Ron.

"I was horrified when I was fully awake," said Ron. "When I saw that I'd been snogging Parkinson. It wasn't my intentions."

"It still happened, you prat," snapped Hermione. "Now stay away from that snake at all costs." "Yes, your majesty." said Ron.

"And don't let me hear you say that again." Hermione snapped again. "Yes, I g-g-got it." said Ron nervously.

(End of flashback)

Ron came out of the memory. He was beyond determined to steer clear of Parkinson. Maybe in time, everyone will forget that the whole misunderstanding ever happened. Ron had no idea that he and Pansy were bound to be in for more surprises, maybe not right away but still inevitable. Ginny, on the other hand was being pestered by the other Gryffindors about how her snogging session with Draco went. Of course, she denied them but nobody except Ron and Hermione paid any attention to her. Likewise, Draco was also asked how snogging Ginny went and he denied it, but nobody except Pansy and Flint listened to him. It was ten minutes into breakfast time when the double doors opened and in walked a furious looking man. Pansy cowered in fear because the man was her father and that made her determined to stay out of his sights. Pansy ducked under the table, her heart beating with fright. Ron kept his head down as Lord Parkinson passed by him at the Gryffindor table. The angry lord marched up to Albus sitting in the headmaster's chair up at the staff table.

"Albus Dumbledore," barked Lord Parkinson, holding up a copy of the Daily Prophet article of his daughter's snogging Ron at the headmaster. "Do you care to explain the meaning behind this?"

"I have none, Lord Parkinson," said Professor Dumbledore. "I wasn't in Hogsmeade when that happened." "Well where is Ronald Weasley?" demanded Lord Parkinson.

Alot of the Gryffindors pointed their fingers at a terrified looking Ron. Lord Parkinson marched right over to the cowering redhead as the others backed away. Even Hermione and Ginny backed away in fear. As Lord Parkinson cleared his throat at the redhead, Ron timidly turned around to face the irritable pure blood lord before him. Pansy was partially relieved that her father didn't spot her, but she knew it was bound to emerge.

"What made you think it was alright to snog my daughter?" Lord Parkinson asked Ron, in an agitated voice. "I-I-It was an accid-d-dent!" Ron squawked in a high voice, getting more and more frightened.

"Something that is done passionately is never accidental, Mr. Weasley," snarled Lord Parkinson. "To snog Pansy without my consent is begging for trouble in my book. Speaking of Pansy, where is she?"

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