The Pranking begins

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After classes ended for the day, Tori and Cynthia returned to the Slytherin common room. They went into the girl's dormitory to drop their school stuff off in their respective bedrooms. Upon spotting Daphne and Tracey, Tori asked them to come into her room, where Tori locked the door and cast a silence charm on it.

"What's up, Tori?" asked Daphne.

"I forgot to tell you something," said Tori. "You know that contract the ferret's father drew up a few years ago, to have me marry the ponce?"

"Yeah." said Daphne.

"Well, when I met Harry the other day," Tori began informing Daphne and Tracey. "He told me how the ferret challenged him to a midnight duel in you all's first year, but the ferret never showed up, instead, tipping Filch off that there were going to be students in the trophy room!"

"We saw Malfoy looking all triumphant that night," said Daphne. "He said something about how Harry would be expelled for sure!"

"What he didn't even realize," said Tori. "Was that, by forfeiting the duel, he sacrificed that contract to Harry, who showed up in the trophy room, with Neville Longbottom, the weasel and the bookworm!"

"Malfoy really did that?" asked Tracey. "Oh boy, I'd like to see his reaction once he finds out!"

"Not to mention that Lucius will be furious," said Daphne. "That'll be one of the ferret's worst nightmares!"

"Cynthia already knows about it," said Tori. "I thought of giving daddy the heads up, but after Harry told me about pranking his enemies in revenge, I wanted to wait first, and maybe Harry could tell daddy about it, himself."

"Yeah, dad will be so relieved," said Daphne. "He wasn't very pleased having to have been blackmailed by Lucius into agreeing with it!"

(Line Break)

Meanwhile, Harry was wandering around the corridors, thinking up of some pranks. He had no intentions to hurt his enemies, just enough to humiliate them. As he wandered up to the seventh floor, he came across a door that appeared, when he wished he could find some place quiet to write down the prank ideas. He opened the door and found a desk, some parchment, ink bottles and quills. Then, a familiar house elf showed up with a pop, who Harry recognized as Dobby.

"Congratulations, Harry Potter," said Dobby. "You's just found the Room of Requirement."

"Ah, so that's what it was," said Harry with realization. "Hey Dobby, are you interested in helping me with pranking some people?"

"Well, of course, Harry Potter sir," said Dobby. "Would you also like some other elves to helps you out?" "That'd be great!" said Harry. "The more help, the better!"

"I'll go ask around and see who wants to helps out!" said Dobby.

Then he disappearedwith a pop. Harry walked into the Room of Requirement, found a desk to sit at,and wrote down some prank ideas down on one piece of parchment. On another piece of parchment, he also wrote down phase onee of the pranks and wrote down a group of students who would receive which kind of prank and two teachers that would be getting pranked as well, though Harry decided to wait and have them pranked during phase two. 

Dobby returned with five other house-elves (who Dobby met when he went to work in the school kitchens). One of them was Winky, who was owned by Barty Crouch, until he set her free at the Quidditch World Cup. Upon hearing revenge pranks, it got her interested. The other four house elves (half male, and half female) were also intrigued. The other female house elves were named Shiny and Flower, and the other two males were named Ozzy and Iggy. Harry gave the list of phase one of the pranks to Dobby, who showed it to the other elves. They approved it, especially when Harry mentioned that he wanted to wait until Saturday at breakfast for the first phase to start. All too soon, it was dinner time, and everybody filed into the Great Hall.

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