A new and improved Harry

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Back at Hogwarts, Dumbledore was still dealing with the skin colour changing potion effects. It had been so distracting that the headmaster didn't even pay heed to Harry's name on the trackoscope (a type of magical instrument used to keep track of a specific person). In fact, Dumbledore had no idea that the tracking charm he placed on Harry that night he brought him to the Dursleys was finally removed. Ron, Hermione and Ginny were still trying to find Harry (so they could 'steer' him in the 'right direction' and be with Ginny) and Tori (so they could 'talk' her into backing off and 'quitting her ensnaring' of Harry), but none of the backstabbers could find the two anywhere.

Meanwhile, back at Gringotts, Harry was just coming to. He felt much better than ever before. What he didn't understand was how he had crystal clear vision. He held his glasses up to his eyes and everything was a blur and upon taking them off, he indeed had crystal clear vision. Harry also saw that he was much taller than before, he had grown to a height of 6'5" tall. Nordgrad held up a vial of something black moving about the inside.

"This was behind your scar, Harry," the goblin informed him. "It's a soul fragment. It was one of the reasons your magical core was blocked, combined with some placed there by Albus Dumbledore. So we removed the soul fragment first before the other magical blocks, to avoid any possible further damage."

"I see," said Harry. "Perhaps I can give it to Ethan, who can then take it to the ministry. They might be able to investigate this."

"Yes, that'd be a good idea." agreed Nordgrad.

Once Harry walked out of the magical block removal room, Ethan was surprised to see Harry much taller. Tori felt her jaw drop open in utter shock, not just because of Harry's now towering height but she finally got a good look at his emerald-green eyes (since they were always hidden behind his glasses). Harry showed Ethan the vial with the soul fragment.

"This was behind my scar, Ethan," said Harry, handing the vial to him. "The magical block removing goblins had to deal with it before taking care of the other blocks."

"The unspeakables will want to see this," stated Ethan. "Did you fully decide on destroying the marriage contract or not?"

"Maybe I'll hold on to it," said Harry. "To ensure nobody can force Tori to marry, especially Malfoy. If there was any other way to deal with it, I'd definitely take that opportunity."

"I understand, Harry," said Ethan. "If you don't mind, is it alright if a copy of your parents' will is made? We need to get Sirius a trial and hopefully cleared. Your parents' will is probably needed to ensure it, just in case."

"Of course," said Harry. "I'm not going back to the Dursleys ever again, no matter what Dumbledork says." At that moment, Griphook showed up looking all gleeful. He was holding something in his hand.

"You know what, Harry?" said Griphook. "Yes, Griphook?" said Harry.

"This." said Griphook, holding up a document.

Harry grabbedit and read it, also getting a gleeful look on his face. The document revealedthat Number 4 Privet Drive was actuallyowned by his mother, Lily and that she allowedher sister and brother-in-law to live there as long as they followedthe rules (or so it seemed). Since she had been dead for the last thirteenyears or so, that meant that Harry wasnow the owner of the house that he believed belonged to his so-called mugglerelatives. Now Harry had something in mind to extract revenge on his aunt and uncle and cousin.

 "Thank you, Griphook," said Harry gratefully. "Won't my relatives be in for a nasty shock!"

"Anytime, Harry," said Griphook. "Are you ready to go down to your family vault and get your family ring?" "I'm ready." said Harry.

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