Chapter 1: Unlikely Friends

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A/N: Has anyone actaully heard of this anime?

If not and if this story does interest you, go and check it out if you want! It was originally made in the 1980's and a remake began in 2022. This story will follow the remake, which does have some differences in regards to the storyline, but that shouldn't matter. It won't be perfectly word for word either, just so it isn't plain and exactly the same. After all, this is meant to be a fanfiction.

Anyway, buckle up because this is sure to be an interesting ride!

Hope you enjoy!

-Alan :D


The river was always your favourite place to walk along. You just felt so happy being close to the water. It instilled a feeling of calm inside of you, especially on a day such as today.

There was barely a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining down on you and there was a soft breeze. It put you in such a state of tranquility, that you thought nothing could break it.

"Ah!" You exclaimed as you walked into someone, breaking you out of your trance. "So much for that then...I'm sorry I-wait where are you...?" You looked around trying to find who you bumped into, only to find them when you looked down.

"You must've walked into me whilst I was deep in thought. Forgive me..." It was a short man wearing a large hat, holding some kind of large stick. He bowed in apology.

"Oh no you're okay! I really should've been looking where I was going. Just got lost in my thoughts too...." You chuckled slightly and rubbed the back of your neck.

There then came a loud rumbling as the man sighed and clutched his stomach. "Ooohhh...I think it must be time for me to find some food...please excuse me." He turned to keep on walking, only to be interrupted by someone yelling loudly from the bridge up ahead.

"I HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU!! WE ARE DONE!!! I'M HEADING HOME!!" A female voice screamed, followed by a male one desperately calling for her to stop.

You sigh. "That's Shinobu....I can only guess what Ataru has done this time..." You shook your head.

Ataru was your friend that you had known for quite a few years. In fact, it was the same with Shinobu too. The three of you had known each other for the same amount of time.

Ataru Moroboshi

Ataru Moroboshi

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Shinobu Miyake

Their relationship was

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Their relationship was...complicated to say the least. One minute they would be having a lovely moment with one another, and the next Shinobu would be furious with him.

All of this was down to the fact that Ataru was always eyeing up other women. Whenever one passed by, he would stare and drool with a giddy look on his face.

Many times you had tried to tell him that he should keep himself under control and that he does in fact have a girlfriend already. But that would never work.

"What's all that fuss about?" The man asked to no one in particular, but you decided to give him a reply anyway.

"Those two are my friends. They're supposed to be dating, but as you can see they have a pretty unstable relationship." You said, already walking up to the bridge to go and see them.

When you got up there, they seemed to be having quite an intimate moment meaning that Shinobu must've forgiven him....again.

"How many last chances is she gonna give him? He is really lucky...." You thought to yourself.

However once again, all of that was undone by one woman who jogger by and of course...Ataru couldn't stop himself from eyeing her up. And that was the final straw for Shinobu.

She slapped him hard across the face which sent him flying into the air, crashing down head first on the ground in front of you making you wince. The girl turned around and angrily stormed off home.

"I really messed that up...." Ataru whined as you rolled your eyes and crouched next to him.

"No kidding." You said as his head shot up, a huge smile on his face.

"Y/N! There you are! Where have you been all afternoon?!" He greeted you happily.

"Been chilling out really. Was taking a walk along the river until I heard Shinobu yelling. You really gotta start treating her right." You reiterated what you had said to him many times.

"I know but can you blame me?! What's so wrong with looking at other women anyway?!" He sighed and leaned himself up against the wall of the bridge.

"You have a girlfriend Ataru. You can't be looking at other women and especially flirt with them in front of her. Even when she's not around, you shouldn't do it!" You said, trying to get your point across to him.

Ataru looked at you and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the panicked yelling of the man you had met on the path beside the river just now.

"Wait!!! Don't throw away your life so easily!!!" He yelled and leapt towards Ataru, colliding with the boy sending him over the edge of the bridge and into the river below!

"Ataru!" You exclaimed, already rushing down to the bank to help him. Dragging him out of the river, you produced a towel out of nowhere and handed it to him.

"W-where...d-did you get this from?" Ataru asked you as you wrapped the towel around him. The water was cold, so Ataru was freezing after he got out.

"Don't ask, just get yourself dry. And let's get you a drink or something. Come on." You held your hand out to him, which he took. It was cold, but you paid no attention to it and dragged the boy to his feet, aiding him to the nearest place to get a drink.

You noticed the man was following you, but didn't bother asking him why because you were focused on Ataru because you are a good friend of course!

"W-why would you push me in like that?!" Ataru shivered as he shouted at the little man. In his hands was a can of soda that he took a sip from every so often.

"I thought you were going to jump in, so I tried to help you!" The man replied.

"What? Help him by pushing him over the edge of the bridge into the river? I think you're stretching the boundaries of 'help'." You muttered to yourself before sighing and sitting down on the ground.

As you did so, two older ladies passed by and of course Ataru was immediately at their feet, seemingly recovered from his fall into the river.

Within a second, he was in a heap on the floor with two large slap marks on either cheek. As they walked away, you could hear their conversation.

"'s that Moroboshi kid everyone goes on about...." One of them began.

"Such disgusting behaviour. And did you see who he was with? I don't understand how L/N can even be friends with him! He is the complete opposite!" The second one continued.

Sometimes, you didn't actually know yourself how you were still friends with Ataru. You mainly just put it down to the fact that you had been friends with him before he turned into the raging pervert he was today.

You just didn't want him to continue doing stupid things. Although to be honest, you weee started to think that it was impossible....

[To Be Continued]

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