Chapter 6: Transfer Student

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"Hey Lum. Come here for a second." You called out to the oni girl was was laid down on the carpet in your room while you were sat at your desk.

"What is it darling-cha?" She floated over to you and rested her chin on your shoulder.

"I got you something that will hopefully make you happy." You said with a smile on your face.

"Here." You held out a yellow ribbon towards her, which piqued her curiosity as she stared at it and tilted her head.

"What is this for-cha?" She asked looking up at you.

"I was thinking of getting you something as a sort of 'moving in' gift. But I realised I'm pretty broke so....I got you this ribbon. Cheap I know, but I think it'll make you look cute! Can I tie them around your horns?" You held them up as she nodded her head, a smile starting to spread across her face.

"Of course! Go ahead-cha!" She floated to the floor and sat on her knees, letting you carefully tie the ribbons around her horns.

The whole time, she was humming happily with her eyes closed and hands settled down on her thighs.

"There we are! Done!" You said, picking up a hand mirror as the alien opened her eyes.

"Take a look." You gave her the mirror and watched her admire herself. After a few seconds, she smiled widely and giggled as she put the mirror down and threw her arms around you.

"I love them-cha! Thank you darling!" She nuzzled her head into your chest as you blushed and returned the hug.

"I-it's nothing's really cheap. I promise I'll get you something better when I have the money." You were slightly disappointed, but did think she looked adorable with the ribbons on her horns.

"I don't care-cha! I'm just happy my darling has given me my first gift! This is a special moment-cha!" She giggled again and brought you into a kiss which lasted quite a while.

When she pulled away, you were as red as could be.

"G-Glad you like it." You chuckled and felt her rest her head on your shoulder.

"I love you darling-cha." She said closing her eyes, her words making your heart flutter.

"....I love you too Lum...." You laid your head against hers and brought her into your lap.

"Darling...." Lum began which made you look down at her, only to find that she had fallen asleep and was mumbling.

The sight of her cuddled up to you, resting her head on your shoulder and sleeping peacefully made your heart melt.

Despite the whole marriage thing initially being an accident, you didn't regret it one bit. Lum hadn't been a curse, but a blessing for you.

You just felt so lucky.


"What's that? We're getting a new student?" You looked up from the book you were reading with Lum when you heard Shinobu and some of the other girls talking to each other.

"Yeah apparently they are arriving today! I wonder what they will be like." Said Shinobu.

"Are they a guy or a girl?" You asked, turning the page for Lum because she wanted to move on.

"A guy, but that's all we know." One of the other girls said causing you to nod.

"Well they can't be any worse than anyone else we've got already in the class." You said while glancing back at the rest of the guys.

Some still looking extremely jealous that Lum was so close to you. At this point whenever you saw this, you would just smile smugly at them.

All of a sudden, the room seemed to get darker as something passed by the window. When you turned to look, you saw a large parachute fall past.

The Day The Invaders Came (Urusei Yatsura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now