Chapter 16: Lum Vs Ran

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Lum looked and acted a little off when she returned to you. She hadn't been gone for too long, but you could tell that something happened that upset her. You already knew that she was clingy because she loved you a lot, but at the moment she was being extra clingy.

She had a tight hold of your arm and was flat out refusing to let go. You did try and gently tell her that you needed to get up to participate in an event, but she wouldn't budge at all. This did mean that you missed your event, but you didn't mind too much.

"I've never liked participating in this's just a drag." You said with a sigh as Lum hummed in acknowledgement.

"I'm so glad I get to spend this time with you darling-cha!" The oni girl said as she gently nuzzled your arm with a smile on her face.

" everything okay? You seemed a little tense at the moment. Not to mention, you're being a bit more clingy than usual." You mentioned to her.

She just looked up at you, the expression on her face not changing whatsoever. Her fixed smile was a little unnerving but you quickly shrugged it off.

"Of course everything is absolutely fine! You know I always love to keep a hold of you my darling-cha!" Lum said to reassure you.

"I can't let Ran do anything to him! I don't know what she has planned, but I am going to make sure she does not succeed!" She thought.

The two of you watched the next event which was a race that involved the students having to go around the school and find certain objects. This ranged from an eraser for the chalkboard in one of the classrooms to a bonsai tree in the principals office.

But what you didn't expect was...

"Miss Lum! You must come with me!"

Mendō called out to Lum as he waved at her, gesturing for her to come to him.

"I need you for this event! Could you please lend me just a few minutes of your time?" He asked as Lum shook her head and held your arm tighter.

"No I need to stay here with darling-cha!!" Lum responded.

"Lum? You can go with him you know. It's only for a few minutes like he said. And besides, he's practically the only other guy at this school who I would trust you to be in the company of." You said.

Lum was caught in two minds as she really wanted to be able to keep you safe from Ran, but she also didn't want to have to worry you about what was going on. She knew that she was fully capable of keeping you safe from Ran on her own without needing to tell you.

But your suspicion would only increase if she kept acting this way.

"Can I risk it? She's really sneaky and could easily get to him in the time that I'm gone." The oni girl thought.

"You might wanna go Lum. Mendō does probably need you for the race. I would be more concerned if it was Ataru since he has no standards whereas Mendō does." You said trying to convince Lum that she could go.

"B-But...darling I-." Lum tried to reply but she was interrupted. The voice she heard immediately put her guard up again.

"Y/N L/N!!! I need you!!!"

It was Ran and she was running over to the bleachers, waving at you with a card in her hand. Her demeanour completely different to what she was like earlier with Lum.

"Huh? You need me? Why do you need me?" You asked as she started to climb the bleachers towards you.

"For the event silly! You're exactly what I'm looking for!!" She said with a sweet smile and giggle which made Lum's eye twitch.

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