Chapter 14: Pochi

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"Y/N dear! Can we please have a talk?" Your mother called for you from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah I'm just getting changed!" You reply while trying to get a pair of shorts on as quickly as you could.

You did nearly fall over, but managed to get them on and stop yourself from falling before you did so. Picking up your bag, you quickly made you way downstairs and found her standing at the bottom.

"Hey mom! What's up? I'm just about to go out to the beach." You said.

"Ah that's good. While you do that, can you please take this with you?" She held up a net and inside of it was the creature that had been spending the last few days camped in the bathroom.

"Hello!" He said while waving as you waved back.

"I'm sorry, but we can't have him staying in our bathroom! It was okay to begin with, but we need it to be free again! Privacy is important!" She said as you nodded your head.

"Yeah I could see this coming. Don't worry, I'll find some place for him." You said while taking the next from your mother.

"Just don't leave him in the neighbourhood! We can't freak anybody out!" Your mother said before giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun at the beach dear!" She said before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Thanks Mom! See you later!" You called out to her as you put your shoes on and left the house.

As you walked, you looked down at the creature who seemed pretty content in his current state.

"So what about all your furniture that you had with you? How are we gonna get that to you?" You asked.

"When I find my new home, I'll send you a postcard! You can bring it all to me then!" He replied.

"Right yeah that's a good idea." You replied and walked on in silence for a bit.

"Hey. Don't feel too bad that we're having to find another place for you to stay. My mom does have a good point. There's no way you could've stayed much longer." You said, hoping that you hadn't hurt his feelings too much.

"Oh no that's fine! I understand that you do not have the space! Besides like I said before, you've been really kind to me! I really appreciate you doing so despite me being so invasive." He said as you looked down at him with a smile.

"Always happy to help someone in need." You said.

"Yoohoo!!! Darling-cha!!" You heard Lum calling for you from above so you stopped and looked up, waiting for her to join you.

She floated down and landed on her feet before grabbing onto your arm. She was wearing the exact same one piece that she had worn to Mendō's pool the other day.

"Hey Lum! You alright?" You asked as you gave her a gentle peck on the cheek, making her giggle and her cheeks flush.

"Yes I am very good! Oh, it's our friend again-cha! Hello!" She waved at the small creature who waved back.

"Hello again! I am having to find another home now!" He said.

"Mom said that he couldn't stay any longer. She has a point, we do need that bathroom to be free. It's the only one." You continued as Lum nodded and held onto your arm tighter.

"Well we shall find a lovely home for you at the beach!" She cheered and smiled her signature close eyed smile that always brightened your day.

"Thank you very much!" The creature replied.

Soon enough, you arrived at the beach and there waiting for you was Shinobu and Ataru. The latter of the two still trying to get close to the other, but Shinobu was having none of it.

The Day The Invaders Came (Urusei Yatsura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now