Chapter 2: An Alien Invasion?!

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"Well I think we're done here. I'm gonna head home. I'll see ya later." You pulled yourself up from the ground and turned to walk away, but felt a tugging on your hand.

"Wait, wait! Now I know where I recognised you from! I've been trying to remember and now I have!" He pointed at you. "I saw your face in a dream! You are in danger young man!"

You deadpanned and stared at him. "Seriously? Give me a break. Nothing is going to happen." You turned and began walking, only for him to be sat on a wall in front of you causing you to jump.

"You must listen! My name is Sakuranbo, aka Cherry! I am a travelling monk! I assure you they this meeting will prove to be very FRUITful for you if you just listen to me!" He held up a little card as he spoke. The pun though was enough to make you sigh and shake your head disapprovingly.

"You are crazy. Nothing bad is going to happen. I just kn-."

"Y/N!!!! Oh thank goodness there you are!!!" A familiar voice called out to you as you heard a set of hurried footsteps follow them up.

It was your mother and she looked out of breath. "Y/N dear! There you are! You must come home now! Somethings come up!"

"What do you mean? What's going on? Why do you look so panicked?" You bombarded her with questions.

"P-please dear stop asking questions! You just nee-." At that moment there was a loud screeching sound as you turned to see a car pull up.

Many men wearing black suits piled out and lined up on either side of the street, meaning you had no way to run off.

"H-Here he is! This is my son!" Your mother explained before turning her attention back to you. "These men are from the government. They are looking for you!"

"Eh?! Why were they looking for me?! I haven't done anything wrong!!" You panicked.

"This isn't to do with anything you have done young man! You need to come with us right now, everything will make sense when we get you home!" One of the men explained to you, leaving you little choice other than to comply and allow them to take you back home.

Once you got home, you found it surrounded by your neighbours and reporters from TV stations, newspapers, on and so on.

As you neared the front door to your house, you heard someone calling for you.

"Y/N-San!!"  They called out to you, breathless and full of worry. It was Shinobu who you had seen storm off just a little bit earlier.

Word must've spread fast if she had managed to run to your house in that time. "Y/N-San! Thank goodness I caught you in time!"

She threw her arms around you and hugged you tightly, looking up at you.

"W-what's wrong Shinobu-Chan? What's got you so worried?" You asked her.

"I-I heard what's going on and ran here to see if you were okay!!" She said, squeezing you tighter.

"A-Alright...I still don't really know what is going on...." You chuckled nervously as Shinobu let you go much to your relief.

This was mainly because you had noted the jealous Ataru staring at you both as you hugged.

"I don't know why you look so jealous Ataru! I put up with you trying to lay your hands on other girls everyday! I have the right to hug my friend who I'm very worried about!" She huffed and turned her head to glare at him momentarily before looking back forward again.

"This girl must have eyes in the back of her head." You thought to yourself as you walked into  your house, with Shinobu and Ataru following on.

The Day The Invaders Came (Urusei Yatsura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now