Chapter 11: Setsubun and Meeting Benten

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That was the best way to describe how you felt as you dragged yourself back home from school.

Well, tired and hungry would be a slightly better way. All you wanted to do was get home and eat so you could collapse on your bed and get to sleep.

Upon getting home, you could smell the food but your mother said it would be a little while longer before it was ready.

You nodded and took yourself up to your room without causing any trouble. Sure you were hungry, but you were a patient guy.

You could wait a little longer.

When you opened the door to your room, Lum was there waiting for you dressed in an odd looking outfit.

When you opened the door to your room, Lum was there waiting for you dressed in an odd looking outfit

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It was like she was ready for a war. Not just the look of her clothes, but the expression on her face too.

"Finally! I've been waiting for you darling-cha!" She said, sounded relieved and rushed at the same time.

"....why are you dressed like that?" You asked, a slight blush entering you cheeks as you stared at her.

Who could blame you though? She did look hot.

"We must hurry and leave now darling! Everyone is waiting for us!!" She exclaimed, leaping out of the chair she was sat on and grabbing your arm.

"Woah Woah Woah!!!! Easy Lum! What's got you in such a rush? Talk to me!" You said, pulling back slightly.

"I am taking you to my home planet! We are to take part in setsubun! It is an annual event that is very important to our people!" She explained.

"Now we must be going, or we will be late! The inter-dimensional portal is open!!" She opened the door to your closet and you felt your jaw drop.

"You opened a portal in my closet?! When did you do this?!" You exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"It doesn't matter! We must go!!" She resumed pulling you towards the portal.

After all that had gone on today especially in just the last few moments, you just let her take you through it.

You were too tired to oppose her.

Moments later, you were on a completely new planet. Lum's homeworld.

"Lum you're late!" A familiar voice barked from above you.

"I'm sorry daddy! We are here now-cha!" Lum replied to her, you into realising who it was when you looked up at him.

"W-what exactly is going on here? And why do you all look like you're dressed to go to war?" You ask, feeling extremely confused and already wanting to go home.

"That's exactly what this is! Now make sure you gear yourself up! We are about to begin!" Lum's father said as you finally snapped out of your tired state.

The Day The Invaders Came (Urusei Yatsura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now