Chapter 10: The Enchanted Boxing Gloves

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"Yoohoo! Darling-cha! Are you here?" Lum called out for you as she slowly floated through the halls of the school.

In her hand was a boxing glove, though she didn't know what it was. It had bumped into her while she was on her way here, so she thought she would bring it along and ask you about it.

"Hey Lum!" A random boy called out to her, making her stop and turn to him.

"Have you seen my darling-cha?" She asked.

"No I haven't....sorry Lum. But would you like to hang out with me instead?" He asked with a faint blush on his cheeks and a goofy smile.

"No thank you! I must find my darling-cha!" And with that, she went on her way.

Her sheer bluntness caused the boy to freeze up in shock as it felt like his heart had been pierced and his whole world came crumbling down.

"Ah! There you are darling-cha!" Meanwhile, Lum's world just completely lit up once she found you.

Her arms wrapped around you as she smiled and giggled happily, nuzzling her head against you.

"Hey Lum! Finished what you needed to do?" You greeted her by wrapping your arms around her and giving her a small kiss on her cheek.

"Mhm! I did!" Her cheeks did change colour a little as she became a little flustered.

In the background, the same boy that Lum rejected so bluntly seemed to be having a major meltdown.

"SHE REJECTED ME!!! THE LOVELY LUM REJECTED ME!!! MY LIFE IS OVER!!!" He sank to his knees and began to sob as you raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What is it with these guys? They're incredibly dramatic." You rolled your eyes.

"Darling? Is something wrong-cha?" Lum was confused now too.

"Some guy back there is having an absolute meltdown because you rejected him. What happened?" You asked.

Lum looked back at the boy and realised now what was going on.

"Oh I asked him if he knew where you were. He said no and then asked if I wanted to spend time with him, to which I replied no-cha!" She explained, everything now making sense to you.

"Ah right. No matter what, I can't seem to stop people from hitting on you." You sigh and shake your head before the boxing glove in Lum's hands caught your attention.

"What are you doing with a boxing glove Lum?" You asked her.

"Oh this! It bumped into me on my way here, so I brought it with me to ask what it was." She held it up to you.

"You said it was a boxing glove? What exactly do you do with it?" She was curious to know all about it.

"Well you use it to fight another person in a boxing match. Here, look." You take the glove from her hands and put it on one of yours.

"See, like this." You hold your arms up in a boxing stance to demonstrate.

However all of a sudden, your arm seemed to be dragged towards Lum. Your hand rested on the back of her head and began to rub it.

"Oh! Darling-cha!~" A surprised but very happy Lum cooed as she enjoyed you rubbing the back of her head.

"W-what's going on?! It's like this glove has a mind of its own!" You were perplexed.

You eventually managed to pull your arm away and looked at the glove in confusion.

"Oh darling-cha! You're always so good to me!!!" Lum was absolutely over the moon and was slightly disappointed when you took your hand away, so she wrapped her arms around your body and nuzzled herself into you as much as she could.

The Day The Invaders Came (Urusei Yatsura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now