keep you safe

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Turning around she saw a man in  white shirt , holding up a gun at her .

His face looked cold and emotionless , it was covered with blue and red marks.

His shoulder had blood coming out.of it soaking the white shirt .

Aera tried to speak , but was cut of by the man who shot bullet in air .

" One word you are dead , one move you are dead".


Gulping aera looked at the man In  front of her . The man looked like in his forties , he looked like that of his father's age. He had cold emotionless face , looking at which made her shiver . Traveling her eyes down on his hand she saw a black gun shining under night sky.

The dark sky rumbled when I lightening strikes  followed by another and then another.

The man stared at the girl in front of him , the girl did same thing.

" Who are you " the man pressed each word and took a step forward , still pointing gun towards the girl.

Taking a step back aera tried to maintain distance between them .

" Umm human i guess " she replied and laughed nervously while rubbing back of her neck.

" Little girl I don't want to play games . Tell me who are you , did they send you here . I can't believe they sent a teenager to kill me " he said as he moved further towards her , seeing which she kept on moving backward.

" Ohhh hello mister , I don't know who you are ok . And I'm not a teenager I'm 21 year old adult. And what do you mean by kill you . I'm not a killer or something . I'm a doctor no wait I mean I'm a college student who is pursuing science to become doctor. I'm just guest in this hotel . Wait ohhh shit I totally forgot. Ohh my gawddddd everyone inside hotel are dead ohh my ohh my what will I do. Dad I want to come home . I wish you were with me . I don't want to die so fast . "

While aera was busy in rambling , the man kept on looking at her like she was a creature kept in zoo.

The man lowered his gun when pain kicked in his shoulder. Hissing he dropped the gun on ground which cut offf aera from speaking any further.

Aera eyes widened when she saw how much blood the man in front of her has lost .

Kicking in her instinct, aera tore the lower part of her long skirt making its height till her knees.

She then proceeded to move towards the man who glared at her . Indicating her to not move any further.

Gulping she ignored the man , and move towards him. Moving her hands towards man's back , she gracefully wrapped the piece of cloth around his shoulder.

While aera was doing this , the man stood dumbfounded and let the young girl do whatever she was doing.

He had never allowed someone to touch him let alone stand near him except from his family , yet he let the girl do both of it .

" I'm sorry it's just that you were bleeding alot"
  Aera said , Finishing her work aera stepped back and played with her fingers while keeping her head down .

" Thank you " the man said .

Smiling aera shook her head and stated it was her job to do so , to help people.

" Ummm so I guess you are the man they want to kill " aera said after few minutes of silence.

" I guess so too "

" But why do they want to kill you " clearing her throat aera asked which made man to move his gaze to her .

Shrinking in fear aera snapped her gaze down and was about to say sorry when the man replied making her shock.

" They are my mafi- *clears throat* my business rivals. "

" Ohhh, but mister , you know they -they killed everyone in hotel even children i-i , they are so cruel , are we going to die here too " aera asked which made the man's gaze softened a bit .

He didn't know why , but he wanted to protect her from every danger in the world .

" Don't worry we wont die , my security team will be here soon . "

Just a second later loud noises if people could be heard from staircase , heavy foot steps could be heard Indicating more than 10 people were coming towards terrace .

With eyes widened the man held the girls hand and dragged her towards one of the corner behind junk furniture.

Pushing her behind it , he hid the girl who was shaken up and looked like she was ready to cry .

" Don't worry little girl , you won't die today I promise. We both are getting out of here safely ok " he said as he himself sat down next to her and rubbed her back.

Nodding her head aera tried to calm herself but her anxiety rocked when several gun shot were heard

" Find him he must be here somewhere "

Aera looked at the man next to her who was already looking at her with lips pressed together in thin line .

" I'll go to them " he said as he tried to stand up

" No don't please "

" Girl they are after me , after they find me they will leave immediately , which means you will be safe "

" No but I can't let you in danger please don't go . You look like a father . What about your kids . What will happen to them if they kill you . "

smiling a little the man squished her cheeks

" Don't  worry I'll distract them , my men will probably will reach here in no time . And will save us ok "

Nodding her head like an obedient child aera calmed down and watched the man go towards those criminal.

She saw how they beat him and then cuffed his hands and made him sit on ground.

Her eyes widened when she saw the person who looked like leader pointed his gun towards the man who was on floor .

To aera or to anyone , the man looked like he was crying while keeping his face towards ground , but I'm reality he was smirking.

Smirking for the fate of these men who caused him trouble.

Smirking because he saw red dot appear on leaders head which was unnoticed by everyone.

Smirking because in just 5 seconds this man was going to die .





And five  the man in ground whispered and soon the leader fell on ground dead .

The chaos broke .

More men came from stair on Terrace .

Which were lead by 7 people in black.

And soon the fight started .

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