find them

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Coming out of school aera was lost in thought.

Sighing she took out her phone which was vibrating. Looking at screen saw many miss calls from unfamiliar no.

Squinting her eyes she called on it .

A few beeps later a gruff voice sounded from other side of phone.

" Hello ma'am , I work in police department. I have just received a call staying that you are missing. You  should have been in Italy right now for your vacation but you never went there . Ma'am your father has issued request for search warrant to find you.

Can you cooperate with us and visit nearest police station .

Aera twitched her eyes in annoyance and sighed .

" You ?!! You scared me bitch !! "

She said and heard laugh from other side .

" How did you know it was me , I even changed my no. " The person said .

" What can I say I'm intelligent".

" Yeah yeah whatever. Btw girl where are you your dad said you are on word tour , but you know I hacked into your mobile to get your location I just happened to find out you are in Korea. I came here to specially visit you babe "

" Woaah woh hold on you at my house , is dad near you , is he listening "

" No I'm in my hotel room now "

Aera relaxed and et out her breathe she was holding.

" Ok long story short , I wanted to find out my father's family so I'm here . And I was gonna call you because I need your help . "

" Help , how can I help you tell me I'm in"

" Ok so I just found out that he , and his all family used to visit a village for vacation. And you live here in Korea so you must know about it , so give me all information i need "

" Ok so what's the name of village "

" It's something called , umm haeguem "

Silence , no words were spoken from other side of phone.

How could that person even speak about it when the person was well aware of what kind of place it was .

" Aera , you are not going there "

" What , why not , it's the only place I can find more clues about my family . And ofcourse I'll go there you can't stop me "

" But you can't "

" Why not ? Listen you can tell me about it or I'll ask someone else about it "

" No , ok wait I myself don't know much about it , but I just know it's dangerous place aera , I'll try to help you find everything I can . But don't mention it in front of anyone. There is lot of things going on in Korea. Things you are not aware of . Things that could kill you.

And be aware of people trust no one , they all are snakes ok ? "

" Ok and thanks Jennie love you bestie "

" Love you too be careful ok " Jennie said smiling and with that aera hung up the call.

Aera smiled looking at phone. Jennie was  older than her . That makes her 24 . She used to be her neighbour back when they were young and used to fight alot .

But as year passed by they became friends and then best friends.

Eventually Jennie started acting like a elder sister to her , always nagging her but caring too.

She worked in special intelligence force being the youngest and the best agent in field.

It was last year when she had to move out to live in Korea as she was promoted to be leading inspector of her team .

Aera's thoughts on her best friend Jennie was broken by her colliding with other girl while walking on side path.

This caused aera to drop her mobile , and her bag.

" I'm so sorry are you ok , I didn't hurt you right ? " The girl asked while bowing continuously.

" Ohh no no , I'm perfectly fine , plus It was my mistake too , I was lost in my own thoughts " aera said while she picked up her bag and purse.

" So why were you lost in thoughts , is everything fine Maybe I could help you. " The girl asked .

" Oh it's  nothing , btw I'm aera . I'm new to this place and I was hoping you could kind of give me a tour or something , it would help me alot , and also I will get a friend here " aera said smiling to which the girl agreed immediately.

They spent about an hour talking about their likes , dislikes while sitting in swing eating corn dog.

The girl told her many things , be it tourist places , or best places to eat .

In just an hour they became strangers to friends.

" It was really nice to spend time with you , I was so bored these days . " Aera said while making her was towards bust stop.

" Same dude , you know I think we should meet again . I would love to spend time with you. And maybe I could introduce you to some boys to date , only if you are into korean boys ".

" Girl I would love that , they are so hot . Hotter than sun . Anyways I gotta go and before that give me your no. " Aera said to which the girl nodded and wrote down her no. In piece of paper before giving it to aera.

Smiling aera took it and was about to enter the bus that just came .

Remembering something she turned around to look at the girl who was looking at her .

" Btw I never got your name " aera said

The girl smiled

" It's jisoo "

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