addictive scent

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" W-what ? " Shocked and startled aera turned around and saw 5 men with tattoo's all over them. One had gun in his hand and other had a knife. The person who was holding her , tightened his grip on aera and dragged her towards the alley.

" Yeahhh leave me , let me go " aera said while struggling to break free from his grip but he didn't even budge .

" Ahhh " aera screamed when she was pushed on floor harshly with strong force causing her to scrap her knee and elbow.

Aera cried a bit in pain .

" Guys it had been long since we had fun , right ? And this birdie came here for us . We should welcome her right " the leader of group said .

" Yes it will be fun " one of the member said .

" No I don't think so , I can entertain myself . Don't need a man " with that area pushed herself up from floor and punched the leader hard on nose . Hearing crack from his nose she gave a satisfactory smirk and then proceeded to kick the next man.

" You are dead meat." One of the man let out fight cry making aera turn her head around towards him .

Aera closed her eyes when she saw man had a rock in his hand and was about to hit her .

1 sec.....

2 sec....

3 sec.....

Nothing happened , confused aera was about to open her eyes but a voice beat her to it.

" You can open you eyes now " a deep , melodic voice rang in air . Aera couldn't help but find the voice very attractive.

Aera opened her eyes was was face to face with a broad shoulder clothed in expensive suit. Addictive masculine scent surrounded her. Moving her eyes further in upward direction , aera made contact with most beautiful and attractive face she has ever seen , person dark brown eyes , like a whirlpool staring directly at her .

They were so close that she could smell his breathe , which was mixture of mint and cigarette.

They were so close that she could smell his breathe , which was mixture of mint and cigarette

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They both stared at each other.

" Can you let me go " his cold voice rang once again , making aera aware of her hands which subconsciously went over his chest .

" I- I am sorry " flushed aera quickly took her hand off him and bowed .

That was when they heard rushed footsteps coming towards them . Followed by shouting.

" Come on , we need to get out of here " the man said and grabbed aera's hand pulling her with him.

He walked for almost 10 minutes , took many turns to loose whoever was following them.

Finally coming to clearing , and into housing area , he left aera's hand and continued walking.

Aera tried to catch up to him ,but he was still far away from him. Due his long strides.

" Hey can you slow down a bit " aera Huffed as she followed the man in front of her .

" No , I can't " he replied.

Aera rolled her eyes at his reply but said nothing. Or even if she say something , she was shut down by the man.

" Come on tell me , where are we going ? " The man sighed and turned around , making aera stop abruptly and hit his chest with her nose.

Aera rubbed her nose while glaring at the man trying to look scary.

But all she got was small smile playing in his lips.
But it was quickly replaced with poker face.

" We are getting out of this village , its not safe here , I'm taking you towards back opening of this village . The easiest way we could get out of here "

" But why is it not safe " she asked curiously

" Doesn't concern you" He vaguely answered not wanting to open up .

"First tell me " she said while crossing her arm's.

" These people have been here for all there life . They are not good with socializing with outsiders. Most importantly they are not what you think. They are some bad people " he said.

" How do you know so much about them "

" Well i was one them  " he said and started walking again without looking back.

Aera ran behind him , still with many thoughts. One of them being ,how in the hell was her family tied with this village.

While in thoughts , she noticed a similar sign that she saw in entrance of village.

Looking around she saw that same sign was imprinted on every sign board .

" What is that sign about ? " She asked her companion.

" It's a family crest , of the family that ruled Korea since ancient time .  this place was loved by lady of that family very much . After death of her everyone was devastated so in her memory they conserved this place.  they made the best artist to make her statue , and place it in middle of this village as a memory . And those crest have the same reason , as a memory . "

Aera made her lips in O shape and nodded her head.

Dad what all things am I going to find out about your family.

What is your relationship with powerful family that ruled whole Korea

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