shoot now

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Finishing up BTS came to mansion just to be met by
silence .

It was almost midnight when they completed mission given by their father .

" Where is dad " namjoon asked one of butler .

Bowing butler replied

" Sir was in meeting , but no further information is received "

" Meeting should have been over hours ago , shouldn't it ? " Taehyung asked as they all stood alarmed.

" Suga hyung track down his location " jimin said as Suga immediately went to hackers cabin in the mansion followed by rest of them.

Sitting on chair in front of computer , Suga immediately begin to type and do his work where as everyone in room stayed silence , with worried look they waited for some information.

" Got it . He is still in hotel he had meeting in " Suga said as he proceeded to get some security footages of hotel.

" Damn it !!! " Suga yelled as he stood up and threw computer in ground in anger .

" What happened hyung " taehyung asked startled by his behaviour.

" Security camera not working , none of it is working".

" Something must have happened , I guess we should go to that hotel , what if he needs us " jin said.

" Yes let's go and get our men ready within ten minutes we will leave this place got it " namjoon ordered .

" Shouldn't we call grandpa and tell him about this "
Jungkook who was the closest to his grandfather asked .

Shaking his head jhope said
" No , he has eyes everywhere . He must have known this from starting . And if he wanted , he could have helped dad . But no he didn't . That means he  still doesn't care about him. "

" B-but maybe he don't know this " taehyung said which  caused suga to glare at him.

" Get it taehyung , even though he talks with us. Loves us , he made it clear he don't like his son , our father . So stop wasting time and get ready . We have to save our father . We can't loose our family " jin said as he wet out of room pushing through them.


" Is this the location are you sure about it " jimin said while looking at hotel in front of them.

Scoffing Suga rolled his eyes and looked at jimin
" Offcourse this is , I'm good at doing my job unlike somebody "

" Wait that was one time ok . I just failed one time and still you taunt me about it " jimin said in offended tone .

" Yaahhhh stop it boys , let's go in and see what's happening here. And namjoon are our men on their position ? " jin turned towards namjoon who nodded saying yes .


Stepping in hotel they saw an empty lobby . Moving further , not a single soul was present there .

Suddenly a stench caught there attention. Moving towards it they were met with more than dozens of body laying there in bundle.

Some had mouth open ,.some had eyes open. Some looked like they were shot while others looked like they were abused and tortured.

Even though they were mafia . The sight in front of them disgusted them.

" What in the hell happened here " jungkook muttered as they entered the lobby.

Everything was mess. Soon of rooms were opened and body's in room could be visible.

Some rooms gate was broken , indicating forced entry.

Walls had scratches on it . Blood speared all over it .

" Don't know , but I do know it involves dad " namjoon said .

" But dad won't kill innocent people " jhope said as they walked in stairs towards second floor .

" He won't but someone else can , someone who was after dad ". Jin said .

" You think dad was ambushed here " jimin asked but was met with silence confirming his biggest fear .

" He will be ok right " jungkook asked .

Just as jin was about to answer a static voice sounded in their earphone .

" Boss I have clear sight of rooftop. Mr Kim his held in gun point and there are about 50 people on roof "

Hearing this BTS members started running towards roof while some of gang members followed them.

" Ask for more backup and ask them to surround building , atleast five of them should be on each foor " Suga said in his ear phone.

" Boss I have clear sight of target , shall I shoot him " .

" No not yet " namjoon said .






Five  " shoot now " namjoon said , just then the shot went of and hearing it BTS and their members bust into the roof top.

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