pretty laugh

769 45 3

Daddyyy I'm waiting for you

Come to me fast

Ahhhhhh yessssss

At the last voice message aera eyed the man beside her in disgust.

" Was this the reason why you wanted to be home as soon as possible " aera asked

Without waiting for any answer she spoke again

" Ohhh well I guess the girl has to wait for her Daddy a little more longer " she spoke , mocking the daddy word in her sentence.

" Just shut up and I don't need to clarify myself to you " the man said glaring at her.

" Actually you do need to clarify yourself to me , because if you we are in this position right now " aera said referring to  the hanging car on bridge.

Ignoring her the man  looked at back tyres through his open window. He continued to inspect the situation while aera sat there looking at him with cold expression.

" You know it's rude to ignore people " aera said . But the man still didn't reply her .

The man turned back towards steering wheel and pressed few buttons which were unknown to aera.

" Yeahhh I'm talking to you fucking bitch " aera let out her anger as she hit the man in his thighs with pocket knife. breathing heavily aera looked down at his thighs which was now covered in blood.

What did you do aera , you are supposed to tend wounds helo people not be the reason of wounds.

Aera look guilty towards the wound on his thigh

The man turned to aera with cold stone eyes staring directly at her . His lips parted and a creepy smirk formed in his lips making aera gulp out loud.

" I-im sorry i- i " aera stammered

" Girls with anger issues are my all time favourite you know. " He said in low husky voice making shivers run down in aera's body.

Still looking at her , directly in her eyes he placed his hand in aera's hand which was on his thigh , still holding knife tightly .

Tightening his grasp on aera's hand he pulled it upward without any second thought , also taking out knife from his thighs in process.

Aera let out small gasp

" You are too pretty you know " he said as he grabbed aera's neck , slightly pushing it backwards towards her side of window.

He leaned towards her face , breathing the air directly from her .

" It would be shame , this pretty face laying lifeless in morgue." He said shocking aera to core .

" W-what " aera spoke out in raspy voice .

Looking at her scared expression the man leaned back to his seat with satisfied look.

While aera was in daze she heard deep laugh which coming from the man making aera's heart beat faster in ......
Fear ??

No , in adoration .

Forgetting everything that just happened , aera looked at man , adoring his laugh.

She had many friends. Many people to laugh with but listening to this unknown man something stirred inside aera .

" You have pretty laugh " aera said without even realising.

This caused the man to immediately halt his actions and stare at her.

Ignoring her the man spoke .

" Remove your seat belt first . After that I'll count three and a three we will jump out of car together . And remember jump together , otherwise car will loose it's balance ok "

Aera nodded her head and tried to remove seat belt but couldn't. She tried again and again but it was still if no use . Panicking aera turned towards man .

" Why is not working ? " She asked in panic

" Just relax. It could be because of sudden break . Open the side compartment on your side there will be an hammer in it . Give it to me " listening to man aera proceeded to open the said compartment and took out a heavy black hammer from it .

Handing it over to the man she said

" Are you sure you are not criminal ? " Eying all instruments kept in the compartment.

" No little women I'm worse " he said and hit the buckle of belt  hardly with hammer .

He did it few more time before aera was able to free herself from belts grasp.

" Ok now this is done , let's get to final part , you ready ? " he said to which aera nodded her head.

" 1 "

Aera took  deep breaths and readied herself

" 2 "

aera turned towards the door and let her fingers slide the door lock .

Looking back she nodded at the man who was looking at her intensely.

Bringing her eyes back towards window door she Inhaled deeply.

" 3 "

" Ahhhhhhhhh " aera screamed

" Aeraaaaaaaa " the shouted for her .

" SPLASH !!!!!!!!! " The river made sound when ....................

Ok I think if they end up being couple it's gonna be chaotic af.

Don't you think so.

But there's a if here lol 😜😜

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. Please comment and like 💞💞

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