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Looking at him with smug expression , after taking revenge of his little game aera turned around and walked further towards road hoping to ask for lift from any car that passes by.

Whereas the man stood there like a statue with stunned expression on his face .

Many cars passed by but no one stopped to help them . Why would they ? Who in right mind will stop there car for two people who are covered in blood and looks like madman.

Aera's leg was covered up with light scarf to prevent from any more blood loos , the scarf had patches of blood in it .

Where as man's white shirt was covered with her blood with mix of his own blood , which flowed from his thigh when aera stabbed him.

" Come on sit down , no one is going to stop for us " the man said .

" You just shut up , don't jinx us !! How are we going to go home now " aera said as she pouted ready to cry out loud .

" You know for 21 year old girl , you act like child alot " he said as he leaned back on his chair and sat invite comfortable position.

Suddenly as if remembering something she turned around and walked in front of him , staring at him and thinking something.

" What ? " He said .

" How do you know my name , I never told you about my name , but I remember you calling for me when I fell of the bridge " she said still staring at him

" I dont know what you are talking about , I never called your name , I don't know your name " he said as he rolled his eyes

Smirking aera said " sure thing " and pretended to move away from him.

Seeing this his body relaxed , but it was for short moment as aera quickly came towards him and sat on him like a child

" What are you doing " he tried to push aera away but she smirked and moved around on his lap to find comfortable position.

" My back hurts I can't sit on that hard bench , this place is perfect " she said as she leaned her back on his chest.

" You can't- - aishhh a-aera stand up " he stammered when she pressed herself more into him.

More specifically into ....😜😉😏

Finally achieving what she wanted she stood up and looked at him with proud face .

" See there it is my name , you said you don't know me , then how come you know my name ?? Tell me who are you ? " She said with calm expression.

Glaring at her the man stood up and pushed her shoulder and angrily said .

" Your death " with that he walked towards her trying to scare her

Flustered aera stepped back and gulped down in fear.

" What ? " She said as she tried to relax her nerves .

Yes it's finally happening , I'm going to die in middle of no where

" You do get scared alot huh !! Such a child . And to answer you question I read it on tag which was on your bag pack which now is sinking in water " he said as he sarcastically smiled .

" Ohh " aera spoke and flushed out in embarrassment.

A loud car honk brought them out of this situation.
The tinted window rolled down revealing a girl with dark long hair.

As they were standing a bit far from car , they couldn't exactly see more features of that girl.

" Want a ride " said the girl as she stopped the car .

Listening to this aera's eyes widened and her lips curved into perfect smile.

No not because they finally got a ride .

But because she recognised that voice.

The voice , which belonged to her friend with which aera literally roamed around Korea the other day.

Running towards the car aera shouted

" Jisoo unnie "

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