15 - stay awake

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matt bangs on the bathroom door before it goes silent.

i hold my hand up to my mouth to stifle any sounds.

a large bang echos and i let out a scream as my heart races.

matt shot through the door.

oh my god.

im going to die.

i will never get to see christopher again.

or eddie.



my thoughts halt as the door is thrown open.

matt stares at me with a devious grin in his face.

"you really thought you could run, sweetheart?" he laughs maniacally. "havent you learned yet? everytime you run from me, someone gets hurt."

i pull my legs to my chest and scoot closer to the wall, tears running down my cheeks. my finger catches on something. the bottom of the toilet.

if i can stand, i can get the top off and hit him. maybe knock him out.

i brace myself against the wall and scoot up, allowing myself to stand.

"im sorry." i cry, holding my hands out. "im so sorry, matt. i love you."

"thats more like it, lee." he says, stepping towards me and lowering the gun.

within just a second, i have the top of the toilet off and im hitting him with all of my might.

he stumbles to the ground and stays there, so i take my chances and run.

i run outside of the motel and onto the path beside it.

it leads back to a woods. maybe i can hide there until help gets here?

the hope i had shrivels up and dies when i hear a gun go off behind me.

i turn and see matt holding the gun out, blood pouring from his face.

i push myself to run faster.

my legs push themselves nearly past the limits.

i run for what feels like hours until im in the middle of trees. i shake snow off of me and take a second to catch my breath.

i watch as the little snow specs fall onto the ground. thats when i see them.

my footprints.

i quickly jump into action, looking around for anything i could use to fight.

i spot a giant branch on the ground. big enough to injure, but not too big to where i cant hold it or gain momentum with.

turning, i see a tree that i can stop behind and use part of the branch to cover up my footsteps.

within just a few seconds, matt comes running up. he stops when he notices my footprints do the same.

i slowly step out from behind my shield and wound my arm back, mustering up all of my strength to bring the branch down onto his head.

he stumbles to the ground.

"im not running anymore, matt." i cry, slamming it back down.

his arm shoots out and my leg erupts in pain. i fall to the snowy ground and clutch my thigh where blood is gushing out of a gash there.

i try to scoot away but he crawls on top of me. i scream and beg as he plunges the knife into my stomach.

i feel around for anything near me and stumble upon a broken piece of bark. i shove it into his arm and struggle to crawl towards the knife that shot out from his hand.

he grabs my legs and tries to pull me back but i kick him in the face.

he recovers quickly and is back on me in an instant. i immediately shove my thumb into his eye, pressing harder and harder until he shoves me away and punches me.

i whimper in pain but quickly jump back as i notice him grab the knife. he goes to put it to my neck but i stop him. i feel my arm growing very tired and i bit his wrist, drawing blood.

he drops the knife and im quick to grab it as he crawls on me again.

i shove the knife deep into his shoulder and he groans and falls on me.

i stab him in the back over and over, sobbing loudly. i eventually push him off of me and hold onto my bleeding stomach.


"lee, what did that cop tell you?" matt steps on my toes, caressing my cheek with a malicious smile.

"nothing." i whimper.

"no matter what he said, we are meant to be. were going to live together. grow old together. and die together, lee. nothings going to stop that." he grins.


"thats not going to be the end of this story." i mumble and stumble to my feet.

i cant let matt take this away from me.

my life.

my happiness.

i fall almost every step, but i make it towards the building again.

my eyes blur, but i see a figure running towards me.

"angeline!" i hear evans familiar voice.

"evan," i sob with relief. he pulls me into a tight hug, careful not to hurt me. "i didnt give up."

"i know, i know." he soothes. "im so proud of you."

the medics rip us away from each other and put me on a gurney. i immediately grab onto evan's hand.

i need something to keep me sane.

"im so tired." i mumble, my eyes closing for a second before i open them weakly.

"i know, but you gotta stay awake. you know the drill." he smiles softly, brushing my hair back. 

"you think you had a hard day?" he teases. "me and a-athena have been running all around the state looking for you. i wasnt, uh, dressed for snow."

"neither was i," i try to laugh, gesturing to my pajamas.

"athena said she'd call bobby and let everyone know youre okay. they are gonna be...so relieved. especially eddie."

"oh, fuck." i say in a whisper. "is eddie mad at me?"

"ann, how could he be mad at you?" he replies gently.

"i dont know." i feel a tear slip down my cheek.

im so ready to see everyone.

my boys especially.

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