Chapter 4: Meeting Class 1-A,Quirk test and battle

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"Congratulation, kids! I did not doubt in my mind that you could do it!" Said Momo's father while at dinner. It has been a couple of weeks since they received the acceptance letter to UA, and starting tomorrow; they will officially be UA High school students. Her parents and the majority of the staff were overjoyed at the news. Most of the maids and butlers who watched her grow up were the ones the happiest.

"I'm so proud of you, sugar. Now, don't go thinking that you're scot-free; being in an elite school just means having to work harder, and I expect your grades only to improve." Said Mrs Yaoyorozu to her daughter. She is one of the reasons Momo studies so much. In her mind, her daughter should repay them for the rich life she has led, and she found that one way Momo could pay her back was by doing the best she could in school. She was lucky to have such a nerd as a daughter.

"Of course, mother, I don't plan to stop my studies soon." Momo was also overjoyed; after getting over her initial shock, she began skipping in her step. She learned that she shouldn't have any emotion in public besides politeness. She still couldn't help herself but be happy.

"This sucks." The only one who wasn't happy at the moment was a depressed Luffy, for the simple fact that he didn't get the party that he thinks he so righteously deserves. "Come on! Just one cake and some music, that's all I'm asking. Please!"

"We are not having a party the day before your first day of school." Said Mr Yaoyorozu with an annoyed expression. "And I told you countless times that this discussion is over!" He said again, only for the threat to fall on deaf ears.

"I'll never emotionally recover from this." Said Luffy as if his whole family died. What was just one party? It's not like anybody is going to die from it. "Ok, this is my last deal, I can't go any further below this." Said Luffy for the 5th Time that day.

"I Already told you the discussion was over. Now just let me eat in peace." Said Mr Yaoyorozu as he was eating as much rice as possible before the rubber man could come to his senses and begin his eating spree again.

"Just one cake with music, AND I go to sleep at 11 PM. I mean, come on, it doesn't get any better than that." Said Luffy like he was bargaining for a reduced price on a used car. Luffy learned what a sleeping pattern was, and oh boy! was that a tough learning experience. Him being used to sleeping whenever he felt like it. Now having to sleep at a specific time? It was torture for him.

"For the final time, NO!" he said, hoping this would shut Luffy up even though he knew it wouldn't.

"Come on, father, I think you are being a little too mean to Luffy. He just wants to celebrate this achievement." Said Momo in an attempt to defend Luffy. In these last two weeks, she found out that she grew considerably close to Luffy, this being from all the time spent together or the incident at the mall, she couldn't tell you. It was like Luffy had his orbiting field, making people like him. Having tried to oppose it at first, she now found out that she enjoyed Luffy's dumb, Happy-Go-Lucky personality.

"Since when have you and Luffy been such good friends? I thought you hated his guts?" Said the father with a raised eyebrow. Him being so busy running a huge company made him stop by his mansion at a rare event, often having to eat cup noodles in his office wishing he could be home.

"I never said that! We've always been good friends." Said Momo while remembering her first thoughts and words about Luffy, being mostly hateful.

"If you say so." He said while returning his gaze to his plate, quickly looking at a depressed Luffy. In his opinion, Luffy was overdramatic.

"Anyway, it's starting to get late, and you both have a big day tomorrow. Why don't you kids go to sleep?" Said the mother, not wanting Momo's first day to be ruined because of Luffy's childlike personality.

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