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Chapter 1

Aerwyna POV

Aerwyna hated when her parents decided for me. It had been going on since she had been given birth and she despised it.

She just wanted to be free.

All she wanted was freedom.

Her parents were controlling freaks. They wanted nothing to tarnish their image, and they would not let her free.

She just wished she could be a bird to spread her wings and fly away without looking back.

Whatever she wore, they would complain about it.

If she slept late or woke up late, they would talk about it. well, they decided when she sleeps, eats, mingles with, and even says!

Aerwyna thought they could never be satisfied.

At the age of seventeen, her parents still chose the clothes for her and who she should interact with.

They only care about their image as the Royals.

How she wished she was a commoner and she would be free to do whatever she wanted. I need to get away before I suffocate here, she thought, twirling her hair.

"Aerwyna Wanwisa Zulu!" she heard her mom call her in her perfect practiced voice and she groaned lowly. drama queen arrives, she giggled quietly.

"Yeah mom," I responded tiredly, dragging her feet to where her mom was.

"Don't hunch your back. Your back must be straight like a rod! you are a lady!" her mom scolded, giving me a disapproving gaze while she groaned.

"A lady doesn't make that horrible sound!" her mom bellowed while she rolled her eyes.

She could never do anything perfectly in their eyes, always correcting.

"A lady doesn't..." her mom's rumble was interrupted by her son, who was laughing.

"Ezra!" Aerwyna excitedly jumped on him while he twirled her around, and she squealed happily.

She'd missed him, he was the only one who understood her the most. No one understood her. He was her male best friend.

"Welcome back son," mum smiled softly at him and hugged him before she scowled at Aerwyna while muttering, "a lady must..." her brother and she erupted in a fit of laughter.

He put her on the scaled stone, and ruffled her hair while she huffed annoyingly, "where is the father?" he asked, looking around.

"When are you going to know it is not father, it is 'his highness'," mother glared at him while he raised his hands in a mockery of surrender.

"So where is his royal highness?" he bowed his head dramatically, mocking his mom.

"He has gone for a meeting with the dolphin's alpha," she responded, furrowing her brows confused, "I heard the dolphins wanted to extend their territory to us," she spoke worriedly.

"Mmmm, I hope they settled it." Ezra replied uninterested. He was never interested in royal matters.

"The King is coming in," Eliot - the eunuch announced.

Aerwyna straightened upright and tried to tame her disheveled hair hurriedly, but her dad saw it and shook his head in disapproval.

Father's face was always void of emotions. Aerwyna didn't think, she'd ever see him smile. He always had a Stoic face every time. Father was intimidating and dominating in his tall, giant figure. Only God knew how he behaved with his mother on the bed and how both she and her brother were made. She was brought out of her forbidden thoughts by her brother's nudge.

AERWYNA : His Love From The Sea Where stories live. Discover now