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Chapter 2


"You are a mistake!" his mother yelled, throwing the empty bottle at him which he dodged swiftly.

"Mom—" he said in a low voice.

"Shut up, I'm not your mother. I hate seeing your face. You bring all the unwanted memories" she cried, standing wobbly while stumbling to take another bottle.

"It's okay for today," he stuttered, picking up the broken bottles.

"Who are you to tell me it is okay?" shouted his mother, running towards him before she slipped and fell.

"Mom," he screamed, went to help her but she pushed him away.

"Don't touch me with your rotten hands!"

"Why can't you love me, mom," the boy asked crying silently.

"No one wants a mistake. You can never be loved because you are nothing but a mistake of an unfortunate night."

"Then why did you give birth to me when you knew I'm nobody?" the boy cried out.

"I'd no choice because when I knew it was late," his mother slurred before she was knocked off.

The door was yanked open abruptly and he entered, whistling as usual.

"Always drinking to lump," he tsked while shaking his head.

The boy's breathing changed, and his chest heaved. The boy could still deal with his mother's taunting but he was another case entirely. The boy wished the wall could open its mouth and hid him from him. His body was trembling in fear of what was to come. No one could save him. He was alone with him.

"How is my favorite boy?" he turned his gaze to the scared boy who was trembling tremendously at the corner.

"Come here boy," he said in his lowly dark voice which sent a bad shiver to the boy.

"Please," the boy begged with his croaked voice.

"What did I tell you about begging," he asked before descending a hard slap on the boy's cheek which resonated around the darkroom.

"Someone help me," the boy screamed when he knew there was no one to help him. He was kicked hard which made his rib bones crack.

"No one can help you, no one can save you from me. No one can protect you from me because you are always Mine and you will always be Mine even if death cannot save you," he laughed maniacally.


Am I finally free? Ronan thought, feeling himself coming to consciousness. he saw a beautiful angel earlier, did she take me with her? he wondered as everything felt serene.

He couldn't feel his surroundings, everything was dark.

He had always been in the darkness, it was his second skin and solace.

All that he knew was darkness.

All that he was, was darkness.

He heard a soft melodic voice breath tickling his ear.


The voice could lure him into a dreamless sleep even though he didn't understand the language.

"אתה נושם?"

Am I dead?

Am I in heaven?

Was that angel of death he saw before he died? Then the angel of death was the most beautiful creature he ever set his eyes on. he felt his mouth twitch and smiled happily.

Ronan heard the voice yelling, but he didn't want to wake up from what he was feeling.


A soft hand, poked him on his chest as his eyes fluttered open and took in his surroundings. Electric sparks ran over his body as he felt his heart beating erratically.


His mouth was agape because the death angel before him was beautiful. He stared at her blue eyes which could drown him in them if not careful. She had long blue curly hair that had fringes at the front. She had a long craft nose that complimented her pink luscious kissable lips made him gulp nervously.

Ronan traced his gaze down to her chest and noticed her perky small perfect breasts were exposed closer to his mouth, his eyes widened before he screamed out and scrambled away from her.

As his voice got loud, he heard the death angel's tiny voice shrill louder than his before he clamped his mouth shut awkwardly.

When the angel noticed he stopped screaming, she stopped also. They stared at each other before releasing a loud shrill sound again.

Ronan stood up abruptly and ran toward the left side while the girl ran after him wobbly with her shaky human legs. When he noticed the girl was trailing after him, he stopped and turned to her, calming his breath before he narrowed his eyes at her skeptically.

"Why are you following me," he asked, pinning his gaze on her as he studied her. She furrowed her brows in confusion as if she didn't understand the damn thing he was saying.

"Why are you staring? he blushed, not looking at her but everywhere. He removed his torn shirt and gave it to her nervously. The girl studied him before yanking it from him and putting it on incorrectly but he didn't bother to correct or help her. The girl stared at him salivating as if he was candy. She moved forward and touched his chest down to his belly button in surprise. He held a moan that wanted to be released.

Oh God, what's the feeling, he wondered, feeling blood pumping at a high rate in his body.

This was the first time he was closer to a female, especially a naked beautiful female. His body was reacting foreign, weirdly exciting to him.

"מאיפה אתה?"

  He was flustered, she didn't reply but traced her hand to his nipples and twirled it in between her small hand. He groaned before swatting her hand away and sitting abruptly on the sand while the girl copied his posture and sat beside him. He took some little pebbles on the sand, and threw them in the water.

"What's your name?" Ronan couldn't look at her because all her gaze was on him, making him get excited. Her looking at him was making me happily uncomfortable.

"I'm Ronan," he brought his shaky hand out to introduce himself but the girl just stared at his hand before looking at hers and giggled melodiously.

She must be crazy, he thought.

He shifted away from her a little so that she would not notice but she noticed it and narrowed her eyes before shifting closer to him.

He touched his chest softly and said, "Ronan," while she nodded her head.

She looked in deep thought before she whispered out with her serene voice, showing her prominent dimples which made him lose his breath.


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