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Hello guys

I welcome you all to my mermaidian tales.

Ronan POV

"Aerwyna," she whispered but her voice was soft and tiny like a fairy.

He stared at her, trying to solve her like a puzzle.

"Where are you from?" he asked her slowly but she did not reply instantly because her gaze had moved away from him.

"Far away." she replied curtly as she stared at the ocean longingly. Tears glistened in her eyes but she didn't shed them.

"What do you mean?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Far away from here," she responded sadly.

"Are you lost?" he inquired to know how to get her back to her family.

"No, I ran away from home." she spoke in a grave voice, "I miss my home,"

He contemplated on what to do before he decided to help her before going back to his apartment to have a good sleep.

"Do you know your parents' number?" he asked.

"My shell is not with me," she responded, playing with the sand.


"Yeah, my shell-phone. I broke it when I was escaping," he stared at her as if she had lost her memory or she had smoked weed.

"Father would have sent his guards to find me if my shell is with me." she looked sad. Ronan stood up abruptly and grabbed her and left her.

"What?" she scowled at him.

"I'm taking you back to your father." he stated trying to make her move.

"No, I'm not going back!" she replied adamantly.


"I'm lost, I can't even go back home." she expressed it as if it was easy.

Ronan furrowed his brows, "Where's home?" he asked her and she pointed at the ocean.



He groaned before using her hand to hit his head. Maybe he was dreaming.

Maybe she is running away like me, he thought. I will let her stay for today then by tomorrow I'll send her away or take her to the police station tomorrow, he smiled at his thoughts.

"Let's go," he told her as she released her hand. He walked forward not waiting for her but when he didn't hear a footsteps sound, he turned and saw her walking toward the ocean as if she was in a trance.

He looked panicked because he did not want this angelic creature to drown herself.

He ran at full speed to her and yanked her towards him, making her nose touch his naked chest as he felt a sizzling spark around his body. He looked down at her and her eyes were already on his.

He felt himself pitying her, she is too young to die, he thought as he used his hand to clean the tears stains from her smooth tan face.

"Shhhh, it's okay. No need of killing yourself little one." he cooed softly, "Brother is here to chase all the nightmares away." he stated and pecked her forehead.

He looked at her softly and vowed to make her reunite with her family.

He took her hands gently and began to walk away from the shore. He noticed her legs were intertwining and she was walking like a baby before he carried her bridal style towards his blue wagon car which was tarnished with the stench of alcohol.

He noticed her wrinkled nose in disgust while he scratched his neck nervously and smiled sheepishly at her.

He opened the front door, set her in as he put the seat belt on her, and shut the door with a loud bang. He went to the driver's seat and ignited the car to live as he was moving away from the ocean, she shouted home trying to get down. She banged her fist on the window as she was breathing frantically.

Her eyes had a ring of gold in them but he thought he was imagining it.

"Ezra," She screamed and continued to bang her fist. He stepped on the brake abruptly stopping the car. He got down and went to her side, opened the door as she flew out, she almost knocked him off.

He looked surprised at the strength the little girl possessed.

He ran after her like a madman to the shore but stopped abruptly when he noticed her staring at the ocean while kneeling before she started to sing a song in another language.

"לברך את הבית בשבילי.

"לברך את הבית בשבילי

אני יוצא למסע.

בחרתי בדרך שלי.

לא הקשבתי לאזהרה.

הגעתי לארץ.

"ד"ש" לאמא שלי.

ד"ש לאבי.

בחרתי בדרך שלי.

אני חייב להגיע לארץ.

ברד לבית

He felt some longing and goodbye in her song which made him nostalgic. He felt himself crying a lot with her even though he didn't understand what she was saying.

He walked to her slowly, and hugged her, to support or give her a shoulder.

Her face was puffy and red after crying, she sniffed and stood up walking towards the car head-high not after saying goodbye.

She entered gently, put on her seatbelt, and locked the door. He looked surprised but didn't comment.

As he was walking to his shitty apartment, she was staring outside through the forest in wonder.

He arrived at the pack house and, he turned around to open the door for her but she had opened it and looked around in astonishment.

People were staring at them, specifically her, as if she was an alien. He felt a wave of possessiveness or jealousy, he never knew he possessed till now. He glared at all the men who were eyes raping what was his which made them look elsewhere embarrassingly.

He took her gently to the elevator and sighed in relief when there was no one in it. He tucked her hair behind her ears and felt his heart leap.

He did not understand what he was feeling and did not wish to unfold it or wanted it to stop because he loved it.

He pressed the button to his apartment but the elevator ding and a man walked in, staring blatantly at her without taking his eyes off. He coughed loudly and interrupted the man as the man smiled sheepishly before cleaning his eyes with a handkerchief.

He stood in front of her, to protect her from the pervert's eyes. He is the only one who has the right to stare at her, he thought.

When the elevator opened, he held the man's gaze so that it wouldn't gaze at his little girl.

After the elevator closed, he smirked triumphantly and went to the footman, took his key then opened the door to his apartment.

"Welcome home, little girl."

AERWYNA : His Love From The Sea Where stories live. Discover now