Untitled Part 11

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It's jokin' time.


Subaru counted after doing another push-up. His breathing rapid, his body drenched in sweat already and his chest heaving back and forth with his naked torso exposed for the world to see his scars.


'Nine...te-' His arms gave out before he could finish counting, and he landed on his face.

"Victory!" He heard his companion shout energetically after she was done with all her exercises, while he was still struggling to finish his second exercise.

*Cough* *Cough* He started coughing as he tried to get back to exercising but wasn't able.

Ever since Pride showed Sistine about Radio Calisthenics a week ago, he got the idea to try and regain his former strength and body shape. Which was also difficult considering the fact that lately he was getting exhausted easily and began having fits of coughing every now and again.

"Are you alright, Onii-chan?" Sistine asked worriedly as she approached him.

"I'm good." He answered dismissively as he slowly stood up and wiped the sweat from his face. "Since we're both done, I'll take a bath first." He answered and went to his bag near where Patrasche was sitting, she gently nudged him as he approached her and allowed him to lean on her as he searched his bag for clothes.




"What do you think?" She asked as she insisted on making breakfast today and she made something he taught her.

He sighed at that question and could hear his other self beginning to taunt.

Hmmm~ It's no birthday cake but tell you what, It tastes exactly like... wait, why don't you describe the taste first, Outer me? Hahahaha!

He eye-rolled at that before mouthing off. "Hm. It's not bad." Which seemed to both please and confuse her.

"R-really? I thought I might've overcooked it since it tastes a bit burnt." She answered back as she tasted it, before giving him a bright smile. "But I'm glad you like it."

Subaru looked at the pouch near Patrasche and secretly used Invisible Providence to grab a potion to help against food poisoning, while quietly adding it into her food as well, without her noticing it.


Today was like most days for Subaru. A day where he spends the majority of the time riding on Patrasche, with Sistine in front, without doing much activity. It was was rather boring for him as there hadn't been much things to do other than take a break every now and then, although Pride kept himself distracted by sometimes whistling a tune, or striking up conversations with his companion. Unlike when his inner self takes control, where he's mostly quiet and sulking all the time. Hardly doing anything entertaining.

"Are we there yet, Inner me?" Pride quietly asked. He was bored of the trip already. The most fun time for him is when he summons his imaginations to tell jokes whenever Sistine is asleep.

No, and before you say anything else, keep in mind that we're not alone. Though by now I reckon Sistine probably suspects our sanity.

"Shame." He boringly called out.

Sistine overheard that and asked. "What's a shame?"

Subaru gained a teasing smile at that question. "Well, drooling on a satisfied existence such as myself while you are asleep, mind you, is a shame. Not that I'm insulted or offended, but it does seem like a violation of my rights if I do say so myself. Might I also add that I'm humble and generous enough to allow your humiliation to happen without once mentioning it or even showing signs of irritation? I am clearly and obviously a divine-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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