Chapter 2: Even More Friends!

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"W-Well, all right! I'll be your friend. You'd better be grateful!" Veldora said in a panic of nearly losing this offer as you two turned around.

"Just can't be honest, can you? Well, glad to know ya!" Satoru stuck out a small appendage of his.

"Tsundere Dragon...Never thought I'd be friends with one..." You thought with an awkward smile as you put one of your claws gently next to Satoru's slimy appendage.

"I-Indeed." Veldora also agreed to being grateful for knowing the two of you as you three touched finger tips, and bashful blushes covered your faces and you couldn't look each other in the eye after finalizing this awkward friendship contract.

"So, what do we do now?" Satoru asked as you three lowered removed finger tips from each other.

"Hmm?" Veldora hummed in confusion of what he meant.

"About the Unlimited Imprisonment seal that hero put on you. I feel bad knowing my friend's been sealed here for 300 years." Satoru said as you nodded in agreement.

"If I'm gonna head out and explore this new world, I wanna do it with both my friends instead of leaving one here all alone." You also wanted to do something for Veldora as the Storm Dragon in question grew puppy eyes from how thoughtful the two of you were.

"You two..." Veldora looked as if he was about to cry tears of joy over have two such amazing friends as you both began to panic.

"H-Hey! Stop!" You exclaimed as you turned away to avoid such a powerful stare.

"Don't give me those puppy eyes!" Satoru panicked as he leaned back feeling awkward about receiving such a stare. "It'd be one thing coming from a cute girl, but a dragon?" He commented on how weird this was as Veldora returned to a relaxed posture with his arms crossed.

"If you have a way to get me out, I'd appreciate it. T-The thing is...I wouldn't have lasted another 100 years before my magic ran out. I keep losing more and more magicules..." Veldora admitted the direness of his situation.

"So that's why this cave is so rich in magicules, and there are so many valuable herbs and ore." Satoru commented as something came to mind in your head.

"Wait, my mother who was your master, why couldn't she just break your seal? If a dragon as incredible as you called her your master, could she not have freed you?" You wondered as as Veldora shook his head.

"Maybe if she had been 200 years younger and at the peak of her power, she probably could have freed me easily. However, laying your egg took a large abundance of her magicules and she had to continually funnel more of her magicules into you to maintain the safety of your egg." Veldora explained the unfortunate circumstances your mother went through to protect your infant egg.

"What happens when your magic runs out?" Satoru asked in wonder.

"It's not a huge deal." Veldora said as this surprised you and Satoru.

"It's not?" You both tilted your head as Veldora stood tall and averted his gaze.

"I'll just die, that's all." Veldora said as this put you and Satoru in an awkward position in this conversation.

"I...I see..." Satoru had to take a moment to process how simple that whole explanation was, though it was a sad one. "After all these years of isolation, you just die, huh? Might as well try this." He said as you looked down at him in confusion.

"Try what?" You asked as Satoru looked up at Veldora with a determined look.

"Y/N, bring me closer." Satoru asked as you just followed along with what your slime buddy said and walked up to Veldora's barrier, confusing Veldora now as well. "Great Sage, use Predator to consume the Unlimited Imprisonment." Satoru attempted to use one of his skills as an appendage of his stuck out and touched the barrier to attempt this, but the skill failed to complete.

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