Chapter 15: Another Great Calamity Arrives

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A/n: It is currently 11/23/2023, or in shorter terms, Thanksgiving! Thank you guys so much for giving this story your time, I am grateful for all your support. I'm sorry this one took longer to get out, but with the stopping point I wanted the chapter to end on, I ended up writing a lot more than usual. Hopefully you guys enjoy, and before anyone ask, I did have to scale back the power level of the reader a bit right now to allow the chance of growing stronger to come in later chapters. This way he's not outright blasting anything he comes across into nothingness. Hope you guys understand, I want the reader to become stronger with each new evolution or skill he gains, but also at points in the story, match the power level of the other characters to a certain degree. That's all I really have to say, hope you guys have a wonderful day and Happy Thanksgiving! Until next time!

The Next Morning

After gaining the trust of the Fuze and Youm who have decided to extend their stay at your exquisite home and village, the rest of the night was spent in peace with a quick shower for you with the girls, and a nice long sleep with Milim, who once again clung to your side for some reason. When morning came, Milim set off to fetch dinner with Kaval and his party while you were just left at the village to tend to whatever needed attention. Though with the lack of any issues that needed your level of attention, the first half of the day was spent walking around doing nothing really. Seeing that there was so much free time at your expense, you decided to use that time to go and pay respects to Shizu's grave as you climbed the hill it was located on once more. You were laying peacefully on the ground next to her grave as you looked down upon your land with a grateful smile.

"Hey, Shizu...I wish you could see how happy everyone here is..." You spoke in a soft tone as a gentle breeze blew through the air, and you took that as a reply from her. "Right, you're always gonna be a part of us, huh?" You said with a gentle bellow as you closed your eyes to attempt to take a nap.

Before you could enjoy a nice mid-day nap though, something caught your attention as there was this feeling that tingled all of your senses in the wrong way, as if something terrible had happened.

"My Lord!" You heard a voice call out from above as you looked to Riza, who had a more red-toned skin color after being named by you, speeding towards you as she quickly landed in front of you as you stood up.

"What's wrong? What's this presence I'm sensing?" You asked in concern of what was happening.

"A dryad has appeared, claiming to be the younger sister of Treyni. She's come to warn us of a great calamity that heads our way." Riza explained as you were confused.

"What calamity?" You asked Riza.

"A terrible, calamity-class monster, Charybdis, has apparently been revived. It's violence seems to equal that of a Demon Lord." Riza said with a concerned and serious tone.

"Let's head back." You said as you were about to run back down the hill.

"Wait, my Lord!" Riza called out as you stopped in your tracks and turned to her. "My way of getting back is much faster for the both of us." Riza said as she took to the air once more, and you decided to trust her judgement.

Quickly grabbing your shoulders with her feet, Riza lifted you with shocking strength and began to fly you over the small wooded area below you and back into the village. You were nervous at first at how long she could hold you, since you knew you were no light animal, but to your surprise when you looked up, she didn't even look like she was breaking a sweat. Seeing that this was no problem for her, you decided to shake off your worries for her and focused your worries to this calamity monster that was approaching your home as Riza quickly descended to the town hall where Rimuru and the others were located, along with the Dryad who would explain the situation. After regrouping with Rimuru and the others in the meeting room, the Dryad who you learned was called Trya, was ready to explain in greater detail what was happening.

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