Chapter 6: For A Fellow Otherworlder

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A/N: Hey guys, actually managed to get another chapter out for this book to my surprise, and I didn't feel all too burned out while writing out. Might be a little shorter compared to the last ones, so sorry about that, I just felt like I reached a good stopping point for this chapter. Also if you haven't noticed, I slightly altered the book title to make it a little easier to find for people since I noticed this book is taking a little longer to take off compared to some of my other works. I AM APPRECIATIVE. I appreciate all the reads so far and for those of you who are still reading, this is me just being a little selfish this one time and asking you for help. IF YOU WANT TO, you don't have to do what I'm asking, but if you want to...I'd appreciate it if you could somehow spread the book to others you know on this platform that might enjoy it. I'm never gonna ask this again, and I'm only asking a small favor that you don't have to do for me. I'm still gonna write this book regardless if it pops off or not. Thanks for reading and all the support, I hope you guys enjoy.

"I'm...a Summon." Shizu spoke as you remembered the reality of beings who were summoned to this world, and their purpose for being here.

"Shizu is a...Summon..." You thought as you felt something inside of you twist in a bad way as your eyes dimly glowed red. "...It's too sad." You thought as she gently caressed the top of your head, noticing you were shaken a bit by her speaking of this.

"So when were you summoned here?" Rimuru asked as she looked down at him.

"A long time ago. My town was burning, engulfed in flames..." Shizu explained the world around her time as you were reminded about the dark pasts of your world.

"A war?" Rimuru asked her.

"Bombs fell from the sky..." Shizu replied to him as this confirmed the time period she was from.

"Then she was summoned during the bombings in World War II. How much more did she have to go through after running from the war...?" You thought with sadness and sympathy as you instinctively nuzzled your head closer to her as she allowed you to do so.

"My mother and I fled together, but then..." Shizu found it difficult to explain what happened as you and Rimuru were now invested into her past.

"What happened to her?" Rimuru asked as she just remained silent with a sad look, answering the question he asked. "I'm sorry." He apologized for pushing too far into it.

"It's okay." Shizu shook her head as an awkward silence fell upon you three before Rimuru thought of something.

"Hey, I know! I'll show you something fun!" Rimuru said with an excited tone as you and Shizu looked at him in confusion.

"Something fun?" The two of you asked in confusion.

"Y/N, use thought communication to show some of your memories with her. Let's show her what good things came after her time." Rimuru said with Thought Communication as you were surprised by this suggestion.

"I see...Nice idea, buddy." You responded to him as you wrapped your tail around her and established a connection with Shizu.

In an instant, you and Rimuru established Thought Communication with Shizu and began to filled her sight with the memories from your world. Shizu was beyond shocked and jaw-dropped when the world around her suddenly changed into a vast void with stars surrounding you all. Though, once you entered this different plain in your minds, a strange voice suddenly called out to you three.

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