Chapter 17: These Delegation Meetings Will Be Peaceful...Right?

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Some time had passed since Rimuru had left you fully in charge of the nation and things were being run just about as usual as before the slime leader left. Everyone under your supervision were handling all their responsibilities quite well and progress was continuing forward with new projects and buildings being made in town. Your subordinates were so well-off on their own that whenever you finished whatever request or work was handed to you, boredom would instantly settle in as Mai and Riza would handle any work that was thrown your way. It was a nice afternoon as Mai was finishing a meeting with some of the seamstresses and heading back to the city hall when she bumped into Benimaru who was heading to the same destination.

"Oh, Banimaru-san. Are you heading back to report to my Lord?" Mai asked as she floated over to the red Kijin as he turned to her while holding a clipboard.

"Yeah. I just finished gathering requests from some of the workers who are working on a few of the current building projects being made. I need to get Great Y/N's approval for these requests." Benimaru said as the two of them continued along down the road.

"I could pass the approval along for him." Mai said as Benimaru lifted the clipboard in his hand and pointed to a certain spot.

"They need his seal for the approval to be confirmed between the workers and distributors." Benimaru said explained as they made it to the front of city hall.

"I see. Well, he should be available right now, as I last saw him relaxing in Rimuru's office. Me and Riza have taken on most of his work on ourselves that he doesn't have much to entertain himself. Let's go see him at once." Mai said as there was a huge dust explosion in the distance, catching everyone's attention as they knew what was happening.

"Or maybe he did find something to entertain himself with..." Benimaru said with an awkward smile as Mai sighed in exhaustion, knowing what was going on in that direction.

"OORRRRAA!!!" A rough and aggressive voice yelled out loud as there was another crashing sound as dirt rose into the air.

"HORRRRAA!!!" Your voice echoed as there was once again as huge crash and dust blew through the area.

Just outside the outskirts of your hometown where no one would get caught in the action, you and the Ankylosaur that you spared were currently having a one on one battle while Hakurou was sat on the side watching while enjoying some tea.

"Oho? You've certainly gained a new level of strength since deciding to take up refuge here, Honda." Hakurou spoke to the recently named Ankylosaurus who was huffing heavy breaths.

"Hmph! This amount of strength is only natural to me. Receiving a name definitely wasn't the reason for me becoming stronger! Yeah! That's right! I've always been this strong!" Honda huffed with a nervous smirk on his face.

"He just doesn't want to admit that after me naming him and training with Hakurou, he's definitely gotten stronger..." You thought in amusement as you took a deep breath and relaxed your body. "Alright, I think we should wrap this up now. I'm sure I've got some work to do." You said as this shocked Honda.

"Huh?! Already!? Just when I was about to gain the upper hand...!" Honda groaned in frustration as he slapped the ground with his tail.

"A strong warrior also knows when its time to take a rest." You said while walking pass Honda as he had an irked face.

"Ha! I bet you were just scared I was finally about to beat you!" Honda taunted as this little comment irked you a bit as a tick mark could be seen forming on the edge of your forehead. "Well, I shouldn't blame you. After all, I'm just a natural born genius when it comes to combat--Huh?" Honda hummed in confusion as a tail shaped shadow came over him and there was a loud crash as Hakurou just sighed while looking at a knocked out Honda who was upside down against a tree.

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