Chapter 16: A King's First Day In Charge

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A/N: Hey everyone! The current date as of writing and publishing this chapter is December 23, 2023, and this will be my last chapter I'll be uploading until the beginning of the New Year. I started this story back on March 31, 2023, and to see how many people are still interested in my works and are reading this story amazes me. This story is one of my favorite works among most of the stories I've written so far, and I still do not feel too tired or burnt out from writing in it. If a chapter takes too long to get out, it's probably because I'm busy with other things in my life, but I do try to keep up with the stories I feel are the best that I'm working on so far. Thank you to everyone that has supported me throughout my years on this platform. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you all. I'll see you in 2024. Thanks for reading! Bye!

After successfully fending off the attack that was Charybdis, and rescuing Phobio who was fooled into becoming the catastrophic monster, things ended on a high note that day with yours and Rimuru's nation entering a non-aggression pact with the Demon Lord Carrion kingdom. Another surprising event to occur was your sudden evolution where you became an adolescent Gojira and unleashed unbelievable power against Charybdis. After the battle ended and you managed to return everyone back home with a nice calm ride on top of your snout, your mother worked her magic inside of your body and returned you to your infant sized body to retain the remaining amount of magicules you had left after using most of it in battle. The entire city was holding a huge feast and celebration in victory over the battle, but this party was one you would choose to skip out on due to the long day you had. You were in the bathhouse relaxing and building your magicules back up as your eyes were poked out of the bath and bubbles swirled around your snout. You weren't alone however as you were told by Shuna and Shion to rest with them on the female side of the bath house with those two, Souka, Eren, and Milim as Shuna helped you bathe by gently scrubbing your tail with some medicinal soap, and Shion allowed you to rest your head on her chest as your cheeks were hued red by either the heat of the bath or the heat from being coddled by two incredible girls. While you were getting some special treatment, Rimuru spoke up as he was also getting some R&R in the girl's bath house while in floating around in his slime form.

"Sheesh...I'm really worn out after all this." Rimuru sighed as he turned to the other side of the bath. "You were a big help, Milim. Thanks again." Rimuru said as Milim popped her head out from the water as she stopped swimming in the bath playfully.

"It was nothing! It was only natural I'd do that much! Feel free to thank me more!" Milim said as she slowly swam by both Milim and you. "You two were really something yourselves, Rimuru! Y/N! If you two said you planned to become Demon Lords, I'd have no objections!" Milim said as this confused the slime.

"A Demon Lord? You know we wouldn't become one of those. Is there any merit to being one?" Rimuru asked as Milim stopped swimming with a perplexed look on her face.

"Merit?" Milim said in confusion.

"Why did you become a Demon Lord?" Rimuru asked in wonder of her reasons.

"Hmmmm.....Why did I?" Milim said as she turned around and looked over to Rimuru. "Did something bad happen and make me become one out of frustration?" She asked as Rimuru was the one who was confused now.

"Uh, why are you asking me?" Rimuru asked as Milim returned to her cheery attitude.

"Good point! I can't really remember! It was so long ago that I forgot!" Milim gave her inability to answer.

"I see." Rimuru said before it seemed like something just came to Milim's mind.

"Oh, yeah! I just thought of one merit!" Milim said while standing up from the bath before falling forward and crashing into Rimuru as the water hit your head and made you wake up as you looked over to see her pick up your slime partner and raise him above her head, exposing and shocking him with her exposed petite body as he slumped in her arms. "It's because I became a Demon Lord that I found myself two besties!" Milim exclaimed with joy over this chance of being friends with you two.

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