Chapter 10

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Domenico's POV

We fell asleep on the couch last night in each other's arms or more like she slept on my chest while I held her in my arms. I can't remember the last time I felt this content in my life. Like things are moving in the right direction regardless of if it is changing who I became. Yesterday made me realize how deprived I was of this genuine person because she is her true self and does never pretend to be anyone she's not. It is like a switch has been flipped and my mind is totally changed with regards to relationships.

She is a soft hearted and caring person that grew up with no one. At least, now she has my family and myself. When Marco told mom and dad about her mom's mind was set on her being my wife one day, much to Marco's dismay. Dad does not talk a lot and may seem like a mute, but he does speak, and he if all people also like her after the incident in the restaurant.

I need to get Marco's approval because I am not letting her go. I need to convince him when he get back to let me be with her, but first I have to convince her to be my girlfriend. I respect him because he is only looking out for her unlike her father who never showed her any love and affection. She does not want me to deal with them, but should they cross my path, that would be something else.

She is still sound asleep. I don't know how a person that slept for two solid days can still sleep late. I wiggle my way out from under her and pull the blanket over her and make my way upstairs to brush my teeth and wash my face. It was still early so I crammed in a thirty-minute gym session.

I had a quick shower and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast but checked on Olivia first, but she was still sound asleep. I made us some bacon, eggs, sausage, and toast and set it on the kitchen counter.

I walked to the living room and saw that she's barely awake and rubbing her eyes. "Morning sleepy head"

She looks up and smile "Good Morning to you too. What time is it?"

"Eight thirty and breakfast is ready in the kitchen" I tell her while pulling her by the hand and taking her in my arms.

"When did you wake up" she asks while looking up into my eyes.

"Almost two hours ago but I had to go take a shower after you drooled on my chest" She looks at me with wide eyes.

"Your joking, right?" She asks.

I shake my head "Negative"

I release her out of my hold as her face is turning red from embarrassment. "No need to worry about the drool. You can drool on me every day, but we need to eat so you can take your medicine" I remind her.

She nods and with that she heads upstairs to freshen up probably because no one would want to eat food if they did not brush their teeth yet.

Fifteen minutes later she came downstairs with damp hair and a t-shirt and faded jeans.

"Mhmmmm this looks nice" she says.

"I wanted to make you an omelet, but I was not sure if you ate that" I say as she adds food to her plate.

"I would eat anything you make" she says while looking me in the eye.

I just smile at her in response because it makes my heart warm thinking that she appreciates my cooking.

"Would you mind if I catch up on my schoolwork? I don't want to be behind when I go back on Monday".

"Yes, you can join me in my office I have to catch up on stuff myself. I might go to the office later, maybe you can go with me?"

"Yes, I don't mind."

She was about to get up and do the dishes when I stopped her "you don't have to clean. The maids will be here any minute and they will clean"

"Do they live here?" she asks.

"Nope, I like my privacy and don't like people lurking while I'm also here" I tell her.

She nods and we head upstairs side by side while she enters her room and fetch her bag with books and laptop while I wait in her doorway.

I made a spot for her to sit and work at and we both worked for a solid three hours before we called it quits. I had to head into the office to see two clients. One flew in just to come and visit and the other one is from New York.

"Are you ready to head to the office with me?" I ask as she lay her head on the side of the couch.

"Yes, do you want me to change my clothes, or can I go like this?" she asks.

"You can even wear a potato sack and I won't mind" I smile while looking at her.

"I will keep this on then" she says.

"Ill meet you downstairs in a few, I just have to change quickly" I tell her.

I got dressed and met her downstairs. "We will have lunch at the office if you don't mind or we could go eat somewhere?"

"I don't mind but do you have a laptop there so I can watch a movie while you're in your meetings" she says while making air quotes with her hands.

"Don't worry I do have a spare one in the office that you can use"

I decide to take my black Audi R8 as I haven't driven it in a long time. I was raised to open the door for a woman, so I opened the door for her and wait till she gets in before closing it again.

"I love this car" she says while rubbing her hands over the interior.

I chuckle "U can have it. I have a lot of other cars as you just saw, and I rarely drive this one. Well, the only reason I drove it today was because it stood too long"

"No, this is too expensive. What if a bump into someone and damage this baby. I can't sorry" she says but I could see the excitement twinkle in her eyes.

"I won't take no for an answer and if you crash it or damage it, I will replace it but please do not die that's all I ask of you. I am you boyfriend after all" I say as I gave her a glance.

"You know, you forget to add the fake part and besides I don't want to owe anyone".

"I want you to be my real girlfriend and if you don't want to take the car, I'll let you borrow it, and I don't want to hear anything further. End of discussion"

She does not counter and keep quiet until we get to the office. Her phone buzz and she say that she will come up as soon as she done with her phone call. I nod and head up to arrange our lunch with my secretary.

After fifteen minutes I message the guard at the front door entrance and ask where Olivia is. The guard response made me pissed "trouble downstairs. You need to come down"


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HISOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora