Chapter 32

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Domenico's POV

My life is a shit show! 

I lost the person I'm supposed to protect, love and cherish. My wife, my soul. I also lost family members and friends, because I let the stupidity of my past influence my future. The funny part about this whole thing is, i only discovered she was gone two days of her already being gone. That was when her lawyer contacted me to sign the divorce paperwork. Obviously i wouldn't sign it. I won't divorce her, ever, but i have to fix my fucked up life.

"Domenico!, where are you?!" i hear the bedroom door open.

"Damn! This room reeks of alcohol. Get your ass up, Domenico. It's already 15:00 in the afternoon. Life is in full swing outside. You can't keep doing this to yourself." Luca is busy pulling open curtains open like a mad man. The guys are the only people that remained by my side.

"Let me die, please. I don't want this life" I say as i pull the covers over my head.

"It is time you stop acting like a bitch and fix what you fucked up. Be a fucking man. Today is the last day that i will be checking on your ass. I run the Mafia so your dad doesn't kill you. I've had it with this whole sulking and drinking everyday nonsense you got going on here. How will you ever find Olivia if you don't stop drinking and focus on the task at hand?" He looks at me pissed but continues " How do you expect to also, get your family back?" 

"I know and i hate myself for everything i did. I fucking love her so much and i regret how i treated her. She will never forgive me" i say as i breath into my pillow. 

"How do you expect her to forgive you if you don't focus on finding her and explaining your actions to her?" Luca asks giving me a pointed look. 

"Does max have any leads on her?" I ask looking up at Luca but he just shakes his head.

"Your wife is so frugal she doesn't even tap into that offshore account of hers and i must give it to her, she knows how to disappear. We check all the phone calls and messages going to the lawyer and no contact was made from strange people or untraceable numbers. Max is however running facial recognition through all traffic cams and street camera's as that is our last resort because we don't find her working anywhere" he says as he hands me a towel to get up and shower. 

Luca comes here everyday to make sure i eat and that I'm still alive. He is basically running the Mafia until i get my head screwed on right and to be honest i don't think it will ever happen. It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest everyday i open my eyes but i have to get my shit in order and look for her. 

"Come, get into the shower. i bought lunch and it's getting cold outside" i get up slowly going over everything in my head and it hurts just thinking about all the destruction I've caused in my life and my families life. Mom and dad doesn't talk to me and Marco almost killed me when he heard Olivia was gone. I also moved out of our house and left it the same way she left it as i don't have the heart to touch anything she touched. The memories we made there is keeps playing in my head that's why I'm currently living in a penthouse in the city.

I get in the shower and get dressed, then head out to the dining room that is part of the lounge. "What did you get to eat?" i ask as i open the packets placed on the table. Luca is busy typing on his laptop then looks up.

"It's some fried fish and chips with salads because you are hungover constantly and that will help to pull your ass together" he says and continue typing.  

I dig in and it tastes nice enough to fill the hole in my stomach. I fucking miss Olivia and my mind is constantly flooded with her and everything we did together. From us chilling in front of the tv, to me making sweet love to her. It's been more then 6 months and I've had enough. I want her back. If only she knew what i did to keep her safe, she would have a totally different reaction. My fault is not communicating with her and explaining everything to her. 

I was so pissed at the whole situation of possibly losing her that i actually lost her while struggling to come to grips with what was happening.

Luca's phone rang "I'm at Dom's place. No, i was thinking we could meet up today to discuss it. If your not comfortable to come here then i can meet you tonight at your place. Ok, ill wait for you then. bye" he says and put the phone back on the coffee table.

"So, we're just gonna pretend that you did not receive a call and talk about meeting here?" i say as i look up at him.

"Marco is on his way here. We need to discuss route changes that has to happen, because the current routes are hot at the moment" he says and continue typing.

Marco is still very pissed at me and have not uttered a word to me since he heard of Olivia's departure. The elevator ding and in walk Uncle Marco with his black suit and grey coat. Not even bothering to look my way. He sits opposite Luca and starts to discuss everything like i don't even exist. I finish my food and dispose of my trash. 

I head to the couch and wait for them to finish before i say something. Once they were done i muster up the courage to ask Uncle Marco the question I've been wanting to ask him as he would be the only one who would be able to help "Do you know where Olivia went?" i ask as i look at Uncle Marco.

"Why, cant find your wife whom you abandoned for that whore? Now you expect me to help you clean your mess?" He says as he gets up and give me a last look, but the next words he utters has me in a headspin.

"I would never abandon the only daughter I've ever had after what her only living relative did to her. I know exactly where she is, or did you forget that i have eyes and ears everywhere? It took you this long to ask me about her and that after you are aware of my capabilities. The only thing you have to know is that she's safe and enjoying her life working and going out with friends" he rubs his chin in a thinking motion "she sure has a lot of guy friends now but definitely happier then when she left here".

"Why don't you tell me where she is so i can fix everything and get her back?"

"Do you really want her back? Will you ignore her again? Will you fuck around with whores again?" He asks pointing his finger to me.

"I did not fuck Isabella, i was getting information out of her and it worked" i say getting pissed now.

"But did it really work, Domenico? Was it worth it taking that route? I must give it to her though, she knows how " 

"Can you stop with all the questions. I want her back or I'll kill myself because this life I'm living is empty without her. This life is just not worth living without her" i say as i lay my head in my palms. 

Luca is still typing away on his laptop as if there's nothing happening around him. Marco sits and stare at me for a long time then get's up and make his way to the door but before he exits, he says "I'll  think about it and send the detail to Luca " and just like that he's gone. The man that had me suffering the last few months knew exactly where Olivia was.

"Can you believe that just happened? We have been looking for Olivia for months and I've had a million breakdowns, meanwhile he knew where she was all this time" i ask looking at Luca in disbelief.

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