Chapter 31

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Six months later.........

"Hey Cassy, can you process these documents for me before you leave, please?"

"Oh, Hey Dustin, yes i can do that. Leave them here on my desk and i'll do them before i leave"

"Are you meeting the other's tonight at Jimmy's?" Dustin asks.

"I don't know if i feel up for a hangover tomorrow. We still have Taylor's barbeque happening tomorrow" i say as i continue typing.

"You only live once" he says but he could see from my facial expression i was over this conversation, so he decides to stop talking and he leaves.

I decided to stick with the name on my fake ID to avoid being found, so i'm Cassy Mitchell now. I started my new life in Cheyenne, Wyoming six months ago when i left New York. I took a bus as far as i thought i shoukd and ended up here.

I work at a small construction company of which i am one of nine employees. Dustin being my manager but also a friend, sort of. He comes across as too forward sometimes. I mostly do admin related work and it sure as hell pays more then a waitress would earn here in this town.

Nothing really happens here besides going to the nearest pub or club. The other option is get togethers with friends and a whole lot of gossiping. I am clearly not a fan of the gossiping part because i like to keep things private.

Tonight, some girls and guys i know from town, decided to go to a pub called Jimmy's and i'm still making up my mind about going. They have been doing that every weekend and i have been making up excuses to avoid constantly going.

I love to remain by myself most of the time and just watching movies and checking up on people on social media that i know from New York.

I've not been in contact with anyone that side. I didn't even follow up to find out if the divorce was finalized. I also do not care to know at this stage in my life. I just want my peace.

Do i regret leaving? Sometimes, and what gets to me the most, is the fact that everyone is in everyones business. That's why i try to avoid hanging in big groups every weekend. I miss New ayork because that was a huge part of the life that molded me into the person i am today, regardless of the bad it came with.

Do i regret leaving Domenico? No, I am still beyond pissed when i play back their conversation, the way he was acting with her and her touching him in the intimate manner she did. The way he treated me after we left Italy was enough for me to make a dinal decision.

I have not moved on with any guy and i don't think that i would be interested in any man at this stage. Even though Domenico hurt me, i still love him. I just hate him.

I finish the last of the paperwork left on my desk and head to my apartment, that is only a block away from work.

I live in a small one bedroom, dully furnished apartment with huge windows overlooking Cheyenne, which makes it look bigger then what it really is.

I got a glass of white wine as soon as i entered my apartment and decide to strip out of my work attire, and take a long soothing bath with music playing in the background. My mind is flooded with memories of him that i am trying to suppress but always fail to.

Things have been going so good and now i'm starting to feel depressed again. When i got here i was sulking for two whole weeks before i even started looking for a job. I got out of the bath and let the water drain then head to my bedroom, got get dressed in a pair of leggings and tank top.

I headed to the kitchen and made myself a grilled cheese sandwich as i'm too lazy to make anything else and headed to my couch to binge on some romantic movies.

An hour into the movie, a knock was heard on my door. I paused my kovie and got uo to answer the door.

"Oh, hey Kelly. What are you doing here i thought you would be going with the others to Jimmy's?" I ask as i open the door for her to enter.

"I want you to come with me. I'm not allowing you to stay here alone by yourself. You are young and you never know, there might be a man out there for you" she says with a huge smile.

"You know i'm not looking for relationships with men" i tell her while plopping my but on the couch.

"I'm not giving you a choice. You better get up and get dressed or i will drag you out of here" she insist while giving me a pointed look, waiting for me to head in and get dressed.

I groan as i rub my hands over my face and make my way to my bedroom. I decided to get dressed in a pair of black jeans with ankle boots as it is chilly outside and  white cropped top with a black suade cropped jacket. My hair is left open. I exit the room, grabbing a small purse while heading to the door and waiting foe Kelly to get up and go to the pub with me.

Kelly is a tall blonde with a stunning body. She is also the girlfriend of Russell, who's also part of our friend group.

The whole group consists of Dustin, Kelly, Russell, Taylor, Stephany, Caleb, Kyle and myself. They are all nice people and i enjoy their company most of the time. The only time i don't enjoy it, is if they ask about my life before moving here. I told them previously that my parents died and that i moved to experience something more slow paced. Obviously they fell for it. I'm a whole lie myself by pretending to be someone i'm not.

We reach the bar and is welcomed by the owner Jimmy that knows us. We have drinks and chat. I have grown a love for tequila because of the effect it has. It makes me happy. It also helps me to forget the stresses of life.

After a few hours, i was buzzed from drinking my tenth shot of tequila. Kyle always gives me a look or his always watching me. He want's me to give him a chance but i feel it is wrong do so. I just cannot move on and i also feel six months is way too short.

At around 2:00 in the morning everyone had enough and we decided to call it a night. Kyle gave me a lift home as he lives near my apartment.

Before i got out, Kyle stopped me by placing his hand on my thigh. My eyes snap to his "why don't you want to give me a chance?" He asks with a pleading look on his face.

"I can't" i say as i look him straight in the eye "i told you that before. I really do not have the energy for a relationship now. I went through some stuff before and i am still trying to put myself together. I don't think you will be happy, receving minimal attention from me" i look at the dejected look on his face and exit his car and make my way into my apartment.

He has been asking me the same shit every month since i've arrived in this town. I didn't even say goodbye and just left his vehicle. I hope he gets it in his big scull now.

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