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Months have passed and Bosco has become accustomed to her new life with Daya. She wouldn't have it any other way. She never thought she'd be experiencing so many new things that she had always been too nervous and scared to try, but Daya being by her side makes it feel so easy. There's no doubting that she found the person she wants to be with forever.

And Daya feels the exact same way. Long gone are the days of writing heartbreak anthems and sad songs. The new album is filled with upbeat songs about the way Bosco makes Daya feel, and Get Dusted gets to debut the new single at the Summer Sunset Festival, a festival filled with a ton of star studded lineups. The band has played at many festivals before, but this one feels different. Because now their lead singer has a completely new energy about her.

But things are about to change just a bit. Bosco loves being an artist and loves her position of being in charge of both Get Dusted and Stephanie's Child's merch. But when Gigi offers to bring her along for one of her modeling gigs, she might just start to find interest in doing something else too.

And then there's Daya's thoughts that are flooded by white dresses and beautiful flowers and how stunning her girlfriend is. She's just too nervous to tell Bosco about them.


Oh this is gonna be a fun one. Hope you'll like it.

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