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"It's so damn hot." Luxx said, laying on her back in one of the poolside chairs. "It's literally dark out. Why is it so hot?"

"There's a pool right there." Irene replied, sitting beside Bosco at one of the tables and shaking her head at her girlfriend's remark. "Maybe you should use it."

Bosco giggled when Luxx shot a look at her sister. She watched as she pulled herself up from the chair to join the others in the hotel pool. She was extremely grateful they were the only ones allowed to use it at the moment and security had positioned themselves at the entrance. She loved most of the fans they had come in contact with now, but huge yelling mobs of them were still pretty terrifying. Especially after what had happened.

She looked over at Irene to find her staring off at the pool, where Daya was busy sitting on the edge beside Lux and going on about something to do with the festival the next day. Bosco nudged her sister's arm.

"Why are you staring?" She asked, crossing her arms on the table and laying her head in them. "Are you planning on attacking her?"

"No-" Irene said quickly, looking away to focus on Bosco. "I'm just thinking."

"About what?" Bosco pressed. She couldn't read the look in Irene's eyes, but she felt as if she was keeping something from her.

Irene shook her head. "Nothing bad, Bosco. I swear. Just thinking about tomorrow." She insisted, tapping her nails against the table and getting that far away look in her eyes again.

Bosco still wasn't exactly sure if she believed her. "You're being protective again, aren't you?"

Irene sighed, glancing over at her. "I'm not as bad as I used to be, but I'm still allowed to be a little protective." She explained. "You're still my little sister and I want what's best for you. Especially because-"

"Because I'm autistic and have trouble with certain things that most people don't have issues with." Bosco mumbled as she finished for her, looking away from her to watch Daya herself.

Irene froze up. They didn't usually say these things out loud. Not because they thought it was a bad thing, but because her and Angie especially always tiptoed around the subject in fear of upsetting Bosco. They never tried to make it seem like a bad thing, but in the past they had accidentally done just that.

"That's...That's not what I was going to say-" Irene tried to explain, but Bosco didn't need her to.

"I know. You were just going to imply it and not say it straight up." Bosco replied, sighing and looking down at her hands. "It's part of me, I know that. But it's not like it defines me. I can still function like an adult and take care of myself despite it."

Now Irene felt bad. "I know you can, even if it's a little harder. But mom and dad always told me to keep you safe and protect you. I don't want to let them down."

Bosco went stiff when she mentioned their parents. That was something they didn't do very often. She looked up at her, rubbing her arm. "I don't need as much help as I used to. If I need it, then I'll ask for it. But I'm okay, I can take care of myself." Bosco felt as if she was trying to convince herself now more than her sister. "You don't need to worry like you used to."

Irene nodded a little. "I know that. But I'm always here in case I do have to protect you."

Bosco was quiet for a moment before trying to put the subject to rest. She didn't want to do this right now. Not after the mention of their parents. "I appreciate that." She said, leaving it at that.

It went silent between them, the noise from their friends filling it instead. Irene hesitated before she spoke again. "But I do think Daya is what's best for you." She said. "You've changed a lot with her. For the better. And I know she'd do anything in her power to keep you safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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