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"Why are you putting all of my songs in B tier? I for sure have written ones that deserve an S or at least an A tier." Crystal huffed, sinking down in her seat on the tour bus.

Lux just placed another one of Crystal's songs in B tier, her eyes focused on the chart she had made on her laptop. "Maybe I just haven't gotten to those ones yet."

"If it makes you feel better, at least she didn't name an entire tier after one of your songs." Daya glanced over at them from where she was combing her fingers through a tired Bosco's hair. "One between D and F."

"Oh hush. You don't like Wolf in Sheep's Clothing either." Lux smiled, moving one of her own songs into S tier.

Daya had to admit that she wasn't exactly wrong. Bosco looked up at her from where her head was resting on her chest, a small pout on her face. "I like Wolf in Sheep's Clothing though."

"Then that means Lux better move it up to S tier real quick." Daya looked over at her bandmate as panic shot across Lux's face. She quickly moved the other songs that were Bosco's favorites up to S tier before Daya could see where they originally were.

They were on their way to the airport and then would be off to the nearest hotel near the festival grounds. Bosco wasn't sure if she was feeling excited or nervous. She was overjoyed to be seeing her friends again. It had felt like years since she had seen them, considering she was once with them every single day. But she was nervous about Irene and Daya being in the same room again. Even though everything had been settled the last time they saw each other, she just couldn't help it.

And maybe she was still thinking about Aria. But she wasn't telling Daya that. That'd only make her girlfriend worry about her.

"You're gonna get along with Irene, right?" Bosco asked, tracing the tattoos on Daya's bicep with her finger.

"Of course. I mean, if she gets along with me-" Daya said, holding her girlfriend tighter. "But we should be fine. We were the last time we were in the same room."

"I'm just making sure." Bosco smiled a little, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "Irene will be on her best behavior around her girlfriend anyways."

At least she hoped she would be.

When they arrived at the airport, Bosco was more than happy to get off the bus and find her friends. She held onto Daya's hand, gently swinging it as one of their security guards followed close by. Airports always gave Bosco a weird sad feeling now. They reminded her of when she had gone home and left Daya. And she didn't at all like to think about that.

Daya seemed to read her mind, squeezing her hand gently. "Bosco?"

The smaller girl looked up at her, leaning against her shoulder. "Hm?"

Daya leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you." She smiled. "And I don't think Irene is gonna let me kiss you in front of her."

Bosco giggled quietly. "Yeah, probably not."

They found them by baggage claim, greeted by Irene being too busy loading all her girlfriend's bags onto one of the luggage carts to notice them. But Angie noticed, turning away from her bag and lighting up when she saw Bosco. "Oh my God you're still in one piece-"

Before Bosco could answer, Angie was running over to her and throwing her arms around her. Bosco squeaked, her friend knocking all the breath out of her.

"I'm so happy you're alive-" Angie said as she hugged her tightly. "I was worried the whole flight-"

"I just talked to you this morning-" Bosco said, her arms trapped at her sides by her friend's strong grip.

The Punk's Queen (Dayasco)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt