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Bosco sat on her and Daya's bed later that night, still panicking a little about going anywhere near one of Gigi's photoshoots. She knew she was going to be completely out of place and she wasn't sure if she wanted to actually go through with it.

"We decided on playing We Don't Have to Dance after Sleepwalking." Daya said as she emerged from the bathroom, her hair damp after her shower and water droplets trailing down her tattoos. "Lux wrote that one, I'm not sure if I've played it for you yet."

Bosco shook her head a little, so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even stare at Daya's body like she usually did. "I don't think you have..."

"I'll have to do that tomorrow then." Daya said as she pulled on the smallest shorts she could find. She tossed her towel to the side before looking back towards Bosco, tilting her head when seeing her worried expression. She crawled up onto the bed, settling herself between her legs with her head on her chest. "What's wrong, princess?"

Bosco instinctively laid her arms over Daya's shoulders. She shook her head. "Nothing's wrong."

"I know that look too well. What is it?" It was no use trying to fool Daya. "Is it too hot in here? I can change the blankets on the bed if they feel too weird against your skin. Or sleep naked if you want. You know I don't mind that at-"

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Bosco said before Daya could finish. She finally met her eyes.

The question caught Daya off guard. "Of course I do." She said without hesitation. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. The most gorgeous in the world."

Bosco knew Daya was just over exaggerating. She sighed and leaned back against the pillows. "Are you just saying that because you have to?"

"No. No I am not." Daya moved to lay beside her, resting her arm around her waist and pulling her close against her chest. "You're beautiful inside and out. There's nothing I don't love about you."

"But I'm not perfect." Bosco whispered, tracing her finger over the taller girl's tattoos and holding the ring around her neck in her other hand.

Daya kissed her forehead, determined to get her to believe the words she said. "In my eyes you are." She told her, running a hand through Bosco's dark hair.

Bosco leaned into the gentle touch, closing her eyes a little. "Gigi invited me to one of her modeling gigs..." She finally explained. "I think it'd be cool but I feel like I'm gonna be so out of place..."

Daya frowned, cupping her face in her hands this time. "Are you kidding? You're not even the one in the pictures and you're going to be the most beautiful one there." She said. "Just don't tell Crystal I said that because she'll go on an hour rant about how perfect Gigi is."

Bosco managed a small smile, but it soon faded when she remembered a small detail. "...Your ex was a model." She said quietly. "Wasn't she?"

Daya looked away, letting out a small sigh. "No amount of filters or makeup could fix how ugly and awful she was on the inside." She said, laying on her back and staring up at the ceiling. "Don't even think about comparing yourself to her. You're more than she'll ever be."

Bosco watched her before slowly pulling herself on top of her. She nuzzled her head against the crook of her neck, holding onto her tightly. "You really think I'm pretty?"

"I think you're absolutely perfect." Daya held her close, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Inside and out, babydoll."

Bosco sighed in content. "I love you." She said softly, laying a hand on Daya's cheek and running her thumb over her jawline.

The taller girl leaned into the touch, smiling a little from the gentleness of it. "I love you too." She replied, squeaking when Bosco pulled her in for a real kiss.

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