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𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 daughter of the Rogue Prince, the nightmare that Otto dreamt about, every night, she was the source of Daemon's happiness, and life. She was his life, his world, his heart. Aeleanor of the House Targaryen was the delight of the Rogue Prince, Daemon, and his wife, the Wild Princess, Shaella.

"Mama, mama, mama, mama, help us, please, mama, help me!" Otto's dreams were like a burst of emotions that came from the Princess Aeleanor. It was as if a form of sorcery was placed upon him, as if he was inside of her brain. "Save me from the Greens, save me from the curse of the kinslayers, of the curse of the traitors, mama save me, please!" Her yells and screams were haunting his dreams like a nightmare. First Daemon, now his daughter. It was as if Otto could not rid himself of Alyssa's descendants.

"Father, forgive me for the intrusion, but this can not wait . . ."Alicent came as quick as the wind." . . . the spies of the Princess Aenora swear that they have seen the Prince Vhaemon return from Dragonstone, upon the back of his dragon, Vermithor the Bronze Fury. I know not if these are lies, but I do know that Aenora wishes not to lie to us, she is afraid of Aeleanor's fate."

But, that was before everything. Before, the game had turned into a war. Before they told the masses about the death of the King, Viserys the Peaceful, or even before the day that Aeleanor learnt how much Otto and Alicent hated Rhaenyra and her father. Was she scared of them? No, she was scared for them. She was scared for her father, for Rhaenyra.

Aeleanor had always wished to see how much of a powerful person one could become, if they only were to spy and listen to what the Hand and the Queen would say in the secret chamber. She did gain both, power and knowledge of the secrets of the Hightowers, but the betrayal was the thing she gained the most of.

She knew that Otto was planning to instal Aegon as the King, once Viserys dies, instead of Rhaenyra, long before they told the masses, she just refused to think it as treason, for it never had happened. She never expected for Otto and Alicent to actually try, and crown Aegon as the King of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, instead of the Black Queen, Rhaenyra 'the Delight of the Realm' Targaryen, Viserys's eldest child, and his named Heir.

"We must send word for the Prince Vhaemon, he has been spotted so few a time,"Alicent whispered to her lord father, as she held onto her neck, tightly, and her fingertips turning white, ever so slowly."Try to get our seasoning throught him, he rides Vermithor, a foul beast, and with him, the Princess Daena will follow, as we have Aeleanor, and they are children of my dear friend, Shaella, I wish for no harm to be given to them."

"Dear daughter, we are at war, if Rhaenyra does not say that she will give up her crown."

"She will never give up her throne, and neither will Daemon, nor Shaella. That much you know."Alicent paced throught the chamber, impatience and madness running throught her blood and mind."No, not unless they are all dead." She whispered in a mad tone, a look of fury in her eyes."You plan to kill my Nyra."

"Alicent, grow up, the love that you once had for the Princess is long gone, both of you are wed, and the both of you have children, you are her lady step-mother, it is unbeffiting your station for you to think of Rhaenyra in that manner, it is a sin, daughter." What Otto Hightower knew of sin, no soul on this wretched earth should ever feel, but still, Alyssa Targaryen did.

"Father, I do love Rhaenyra, even as much as you have once loved the Princess Alyssa, please, I do know it is a sin, but, the Targaryens wed brother to sister, aunt to nephew, uncle to niece, cousin to cousin, and it is a sin when I love a woman, that I am not even related with, by blood? That is not fair, my Lord Hand."Alicent glared a firely dagger towards her father, and watched as he struggled to stand still under her menacing gaze.

She did not care that Rhaenyra hated her for crowning Aegon instead of her, she just passed the point of carring what anyone thinks of her. But, at the same time, she wished for Rhaenyra to loved her just as much as Alicent loved Rhaenyra.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 a bright red shade of chrimson, with streaks of bright yellow, dark orange and copper. The result of the wrath of the Princess Aeleanor was terrible, as the new day came, her anger and wrath only grew in force to be reckoned with.

"The Princess Aeleanor and Aegel the Red Monstrousity are flying again!" The words were frought with doom and a hundred thousand screams of pure and utter terror of the smallfolk.

The flames were so hot, they burned the stars that the Princess loved so much, and so fiercly. Together, the Princess and her she-dragon made love to the darkness, lighting the way for the sun to shine, with their flames.

Her body burst into a laughting fit as she herself bursted with flames of her beloved dragon, her flames were hot, yes, but no fire can kill a dragon. And the Princess was the true dragon of the Old Valyria.

She turned her gaze downwards, and as she looked over the city of King's Landing, she saw that the city burned with yellow flames, and gold pooled at the city gate, welcoming a red dragon with it's rider seated upon it, and she heard a wail from the Dragonpit.

Then, all hell broke loose, a thousand hundred of the freefolk piled before the Dragonpit, and a man found himself stanfing on the stairs of the building, yelling to the folk, but, she could not, no, she would not, dare and listen to his words, as a beast of green and a beast of red fought in the air, just above her.

Then, a moment of peace went, as she listened to a boy's voice, yell to the two men, Peace is what my mother wishes for, peace for all of us. She watched as he rode his very own dragon, a much smaller beast than the two monsters, a beast of silver and white, she could recognise him to be the dragon Vyhorn.

The pictures of all the chaos went away, and for a split second, Aeleanor had thought that she was mad, just like the Princess Daenys had been. But then, she saw Dreamfyre fly with Helaena on her back, the two flew ever so deliactely, that one might think that the two danced in the sky. Aegel was desperate to see her old friend, and so, Aeleanor and Aegel had joined Helaena and Dreamfyre in their beautiful dance.

The Dance of Dragons started with the Princess Aeleanor and the Queen Helaena flying above the city of the King's Landing. Thrice, they circled the city, before the sun shone upon them like molten gold.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝖺𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗋𝗒𝖾𝗇Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu