2- Wanted-Broke

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After mom left when I was 7, nothing really changed.
She couldn't take the fact that I was hooked to becoming a hero while I was quirkless.
Key word: was
I actually developed a quirk similar to hers when i was 9, so sucks to be her I guess?
I can lift small objects but I think if I trained hard enough I could lift heavier things, like a sythe, for example.
Anyways, I still have my dad, and he is okay I guess...
Most of the time he is"working" overnight.
I'm yet to leave this house, since I'm pursuing a different dream now,
To become famous,
No matter what.
While strolling through the streets of Musutafu, Japan, I couldn't help but give one of the billboards a good stare.
It wasn't one of those brightly-colored "soda" ads, though I still noticed it.
I don't think it's an ad at all actually, it's a photo of a person.
A criminal.
How does he get famous before me?
Who was shitty enough to let him be on the city billboards? Did he do something that incredible?

I continued my walk and caught sight of a similar picture
"Wanted: dead or alive",
"Wanted: dead or alive",
"Wanted: dead or alive"
How many people want this dumbass?!
This poster was EVERYWHERE.
On walls, on windows, on streetlights (that aren't even ON) and STOP SIGNS?
That has to be illegal SOMEWHERE HERE?!
FIND THE GUY YOURSELF! I'm not doing it for you!
The word "wanted" was bouncing around in my head. And it clearly wasn't leaving any time soon.
Everywhere I looked I saw SOMEONE that was wanted:
Job applications, People, donations,
Something was wanted.
And something I could not give.
Idk why but imo the first few chapters are always the hardest to write because u just wanna jump to the peak of the story.

luv u all <3
324 In total
Stay safe <3

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