8- Disassociate

26 1 5

For obvious reasons, ( murder reasons, health reasons, lawsuit reasons, money reasons, career reasons, gambling reasons, and MANY MANY more..) I've decided not to associate with
my "beloved" father anymore.
And if you ask me, he didn't have a son.
Or any child, "honestly".

For a weapon, I've started researching a lot. There's a bunch of dumb shit I can make, or at least try to.
I don't really need/can/ want to invest in any resources ( not just because I have no money ) but I have nothing to invest in. Why buy expensive, one-of-a-kind leather bullet-proof material from the most exquisite manufacturer in Japan when you can use a cheap paper bag and call it a day?
- Exactly. That's why I'm getting ready to go to the busy shopping streets of Musutafu now.

There are a lot of clothing shops but not a lot of clothing.
But who am I to judge when I would OBVIOUSLY want to buy a pack of overpriced gum from M&H!
Going from tailor to tailor, I can only feel more discouraged, I mean, it's obvious that every local tailor sells hard leather for gunshots, right?
This is stupid.
I'll go at night, to the other side of town.

Never again would I think I'd find myself standing alone in the same store that I'd originally stole from.

Izuku: Hey..! Happy to see me?
Izuku: Wait! WAIT! I'll pay double the price for the item I want to buy.
Cashier: Welcome in! Need any help finding anything.

And that's how you get them, folks.
Obviously I'm not actually going to pay him double, I feel kinda bad lying but I'll subtly negotiate it down, just so he doesn't realize.
A little trick my d-
An old friend taught me, when I was younger.

Izuku: Which is your BEST bulletproof vest?
Cashier: Here we have the one made by Giovanni salesmanista co, EXCELLENT branding.
Izuku: Okay.. what else is there?

I have to pretend to give a fuck, one of my greater strengths, actually.

Cashier: Of course! Here is the one made by.. Oh, it seems it's illegible. No worries, we can move on-

Did he just become smart or am I missing something
Whatever I'll take this one.
Izuku: I'll take that one.
Cashier: Pardon?
Izuku:  Will I get a discount for the CLEAR damaged area?
Cashier: uhm.. sure? 10% off.

Here comes the fun part.
Izuku: Alright, How much?
Cashier: 29,098 Yen.
Izuku: Is that WITH the double included or-
Cashier: No.

I'm in for a treat, this guy CLEARLY doesn't like me today.
Izuku: Is there any way you could- y'know.. r-
Cashier: I am unable to round it at this time.
Harsh. Okay.
Izuku: How about.. a store tab? Can I open that?
Cashier: ughhhh - fine. First and last name please?
Izuku: Benjamin Franklin.

I am very believable.

Cashier: Email address?
Izuku: Benfranklin6928@*********

Cashier: Credit card information?
Izuku: I'll email it to you
Cashier: Sorry- store policy, we don-
Izuku: Are we done now? Bye.

I am going to shit my pants.
Whoever Ben is, I am sorry. I didn't pay attention in 5th grade history,
I care about you and your lovely name.

This is just a joke, pls don't get offended guys.
This chapter was more on the funny side.
Who's the clown who posted after 5 days even though she said "after tomorrow"?
I'm SO sorry guys 😭
luv u all <3
600 In total
Stay safe <3

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