5- Clueless

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Right. So now I have a shitty gun. "Amazing".
I feel guilty enough just by handling it so why not add more guilt by "testing" it out a bit, eh?
Dad isn't home, so I'm in charge! ( not like I listened to him in the first place )
Stupidly, When I stole it from the shop, it was loaded. You'd think that since they're so "rare" to get illegally they'd sell the ammo separately but Of course not.

Aiming was surprisingly the easy part. What was difficult was pulling the actual trigger.
One wrong move and I can ruin the structure of the house, shoot my leg or worse. And I would NOT like to know the possibilities.

Finding something to shoot was hard.

The cushions were one of a kind - I'm not saying my dad would care if they were ruined but it's one of the things on the nicer side in our house, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Not even going to explain shooting our beds because I don't think either of us would like sleeping on the floor or the couch.
We don't use the kitchen but it reminds him of mom because she liked to bake, so I'm not even touching that.
It would be safer, and more logical, to test this outside, but I'm too scared to risk getting caught with an illegal weapon.
Yes, me - the person who stole the gun in the first place - is scared. Cry about it.
I don't really watch television, and dads always outside, so would it matter if I shot the TV?
Or you know what I could sell it..
OH! Or.. or.. I coulllldd sell the couch?
Nobody sits on it anyways..
Maybe I could get rid of the microwave?
keys jingling
Izuku: DAD WAIT!
Omg yummy attempted murder
I'm sooororoororgyy this chapter is soooo short
I'll make the next one longer + with him being sad ig?
thanks for putting up with my laziness lol

luv u all <3
358 in total
Stay safe <3

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