14- Targeted pt.2

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I can't take this anymore! I need action.. I need something that's not as boring!
I thought this was gonna be fun.. watching innocent people cry in despair..
I can't even light a boring old inhaler.
This receipt is taking too long to burn..
I have an idea.
I can put this in a patients room..
This will surely cause a ruckus, and they'll lockdown the hospital!

It may be a small fire, but it's still a fire!
Should I light another so there's more of a chance?
Why not!
I need to have two targets, then.
Room 407
And room 106
My mothers birthday..,
And my "idols" death date.
The rooms are on different floors so I'll have to be quick.

I'll start with 407, since I'm already on the 3rd floor.
It's almost lunch hour.. shit.

Running through the hallways is the easy part, it's the disguise which is hard.
I'm gonna act like I'm visiting someone.. that should work.

Okay.. I have to pretend like I'm a good person.
A nice teenage boy who visits his relatives.

But I also have to hide this paper In some way..
Flowers maybe?
I can't get to the gift shop though..
+ I'm WAYY too broke

Maybe I can put out the fire and use the other side of the receipt to light it again?

Yes! Why didn't I think of that earlier?
God I'm so stupid!
Just need to make it to the room..
Just need to make it to the room..

I'm a nice teenage boy who cares for his dead family.
Totally a nice teenage boy who cares for his dead family.

Second time asking someone.. here we go!
Izuku: Excuse me, but do you know where room 407 is?

What if the staff talk about me and find out I was visiting two people?
Wouldn't that be weird?

???: Keep walking straight then take the only turn.

well that was rude..
You could at least respect someone who is about to ruin your only source of income... since you're very clearly single. It kinda matters y'know!
No wonder nobody dates you..

Walk straight and then take the turn
Walk straight and then take the exit
Walk straight and then burn me alive
Walk straight and then go kill yourself
That's how I translated it.

What a pleasure it will be to watch this person cry out for the help they won't get.

Door creeks open

Izuku: Well hello there..

I sound so fucking stupid for a guy who's tryna make it on the news as an arsonist.

Well, gotta give off that serial killer vibe y'know?
It's in.

???: Who are you?

Izuku: Oh you'll find out soon enough! How are you feeling today?

???: Uhm.. Why are you here?

Izuku: You really should know that isn't nice to avoid questions and ignore people.

???: get out..

Izuku: No need to get feisty. I bet this will make you shut up.

Lighter flickers

Izuku: See this little receipt right here? This is your life. I can burn it, blow it out, or simply throw it away! It's your choice.

???: GET OUT! I don't want you in here! I didn't do anything!!

the patient repeatedly presses the bell to call a nurse

Izuku: I wouldn't do that if I were you.. This receipt is calling your name, whatever it is.

I'm loving this! The look of despair.. the cries for help! I look and sound stupid, being 15 years old, but it's so.. amusing!


Fuck. It's lunch hour, all nurses are on break. They have time to take distress calls like that...

I have to get out of here!

Izuku: Okay.. well if you change your mind, I'll leave this here to burn on the tissue box, As a souvenir.


I can't make out what happened after, but I was out the building in a few minutes.
I didn't get to torment the other person in the other room, but it was so worth it!
The flames were so satisfying.. the fire crackling reminded me of when me and my mother used to make s'mores before my father got home.
The sirens? When my father got shot.
The nurses running? When my mother took me to work that one day, stupid idea...

It makes me happy to know that nobody else will have to relive a moment like that. like any of those.
Because they can't,
They're dead.

Hope you're proud,


hopefully u enjoyed this tho :)
he has officially burnt a building down !

luv u all <3
796 in total
Stay safe <3

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