12- Retaliation

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I don't want it to seem like I've gone soft- like I've "slowed down" the process on becoming a world-famous villain just because the first person that I so proudly killed so happened to be my mother.
So what? Villains kill people, that's their thing.. I don't expect them to still make it home for dinner in time.
Unless they're serving Katsudon, that's a whole different story.


I guess I've been a little tense after I found out. Maybe that's what's made me become a bit more "cautious", let's say.

I need to do something to show that I'm still active in the villain-world,
That I'm still.. well, a villain.

I need to do something incredibly stupid. Something dumber than robbing a petty corner shop with a pathetic store clerk.
I need to..
I need to...
I need to..
I need to commit arson.


I've studied the hospital Mom used to work at. Since they're now down one nurse, permanently, The staff will be running around after patients : a perfect distraction.

I can sneak into the medicine room and steal one of the inhalers.
Fun fact: those are flammable.
One lousy lighter in the wooden cabinet and the whole thing is in flames.
But I'm not that dim, that's only plan A.

The room could be locked because of an increase of crime rates in the area around the hospital ( ahem ahem ). They could need a key, and as easy as it would be to use a Bobby pin, I like a good challenge.
The break room is always open because that's where staff keep their bags.
They avoid faulty lockers, which gives me an opening.
I can slide in, nuke someone's phone in the microwave, and, if I'm lucky, come out alive.

Or maybe I should make that plan C?
Nevermind, that's plan C then.
I'm not interested in suicide just yet, I'd like to die in honor.
New plan B:
There are criminals there getting treatment before getting locked up.
I can keep them quiet with a little blackmail - I know more than you think..
The easiest option would be Spinner, as he was recently caught and a little bit shaken up.
Weak, but easy to play around with.

I'd like to do this quick, but I'll have to think about it.
After all, I'm not here to avenge mom, I'm here to Embarrass her.


Heyyyyy I'm backkk
More of a strategic chapter
This is his take on grief ig
No more orphanages will have to suffer because izukus target is a hospital - even worse!

luv u all <3
439 In total
Stay safe <3

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