Who is X?

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Your point of view:

"Who the fuck was it who sent you flowers yesterday?" I heard as soon as I took a seat in my French class. Fucking French teacher. "Wow chill out devil boy, does it matter?" I said chuckling. He glared raising an eyebrow and clenching his fist and tightening his jaw. He hit the table making the whole class go silent but most important making my heart jump out of its place.

"Chill the fuck out dude!" I yelled, I just don't seem like to understand why this dude is acting all jealous, I've only known him for a month. "Don't fucking drive me insane you whore.. just answer the fucking question" those cold eyes, how much they drive ME insane. "What's going on here?" Matt interrupted and I could feel my eyes softened as I recognized his voice looking up at him. "Are you ok Y/n?" He asked placing his hand on mine.

"Yes all good bae" I said smiling softly. I went on the date last Friday and today was Monday, that's why this seems weird, but last Friday was amazing. We ended up in a fancy restaurant having dinner together.

Devil boy glared at me hard before he hit the table another time, seems like a habit, as he dashed out of class since the teacher wasn't there yet. Matt chased back to his place as the teacher finally joined. While devil boy only entered 10 minutes after him.

"Very sorry sir, won't be happening again" he said as he made his way next to me another time. I could smell cigars. And it was coming from him. Devil boy. I looked at him as we held eye contact. He didn't break it until I heard a cough coming from Matt's way and I concentrated on the lesson instead as I broke the eye contact that was quite intense between the two of us. I wrote down some notes.

Lesson was over but I didn't get up from my seat, I sat there my head on the notebooks trying to get a bit of peace. I could feel a hand make its way to my hair and it seemed unfamiliar, but made me feel so comfortable. It felt so right. Until I heard Matt saying "take your hands off my girlfriend's hair!" Devil boy laughed and replied "she seems like she likes it, no no I'm sorry, seems like she's used to it" here I had enough, I got up from my seat and grabbed all my things putting em in my backpack and head out with Matt.

"I don't know what's wrong with that dude, seriously" I said as I got behind Matt on his bike. Such a coincidence how they both got bikes. He takes me home from now on, that's what he promised.

As we were making our way to my house, I heard another bike next to us, I looked to my side. Just to see that fucker. "Fucking devil boy" I thought to myself as he smirked under the mask. I could sense it from here that Matt got annoyed as he speeded. "Calm down baby, don't scare me please" I said in a soft tone feeling him going back to his normal speed letting Alex or whatever win the race that was invented out of no where.

Once we arrived, I got up from the bike and stood straight facing Matt. "I'm really sorry for Devil dude, I have no idea what he has on mind right now, one day he acts all cold and doesn't even say hi in the morning and the other he acts like we have something between us, I'm really sorry baby.." I said coming closer to him as he place a hand on my lower back.

"I get it babe, I mean, you think all that cuteness and people won't fall for you?" He said which made me chuckle. I stood straight again and leaned in to peck his lips when Matt's screen light up showing a contact calling him under the name 'X' it sounded sus but I didn't mind it. "Oh sorry babes, I got to go"

He said as he didn't even wait 2 seconds before speeding off not even letting me hug him good bye "well, just great" I said fixing my backpack on my back before I heard again a bike's engine. I turned smiling thinking he came back for a hug at least, but guess who it was.

Fucking Devil dude.

He quickly parked his bike and took off his helmet walking towards me. "What do you need?" I said glaring more as he made his way in front of me looking down at me "what's between you and Matt?" He said with a calm voice but still sounded quite intense.

"He's my boyfriend! He's the one that can fuck me all night make me give him head and he's probably the dick I'm concentrated on that you asked about last week" I let out not even knowing what I just said, but from his reaction I could sense I fucked up. He held my face in his grip and whispered "he's not the type that you should be fucking, he's probably fucking some other hoe right now, trust me, he's known for being a playboy-"

I stopped him blocking his mouth with my hand, "all you're speaking is bullshit, you're just jealous" I hardly spoke as he released his grip from my face, letting me relax a bit but I didn't break the eye contact. "Don't come crying to school once you find out who he's fucking this time" he said holding his arms in the air as he got back on his bike and drove off.

I stood there shocked. Should I be concerned about this? Is this real? I had a bunch of questions running thru my mind but the most important, was 'X' a girl or a boy?

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