Chapter Fourteen

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Where there is smoke, there's fire. Where there's you, there's desire.
- Anonymous.

Claire Bishop

The morning rays rose above the horizon, sunlight streamed my bedroom through the gaps of the curtains lighting up the room with a warm glow. I rolled over and gazed out the window, overlooking the shine over the other buildings.

The new rays brought a new day and that new day was my engagement party day. Tonight was the night, I'd be officially introduced to the world as the fiancée of Tyler Sanders.

It was a busy day for me. I had no choice but to get up and freshen up for the day. Since the apartment was filled with silence giving me as much as comfort as it could, I enjoyed it for now. Soon, Chloe and her friend along with mom would be here and the picking and poking on me will start soon.

Mom and dad stayed at a nearby hotel even though Chloe and I offered our places. But as usual dad being a prideful man, refused. Dad and mom would be directly going to the party after mom was done helping me get ready and return to hotel to get herself ready. Same goes with Chloe. Tyler hired a limousine for my family and when he made me that offer, he strictly refused to back down. So I had no choice but to convince dad. Fortunately, mom helped me on that.

Now they would arrive at the party together and I would be arriving with Tyler. He was supposed to pick me up sharp at 7 tonight. I think by that time, I would be ready.

Since children were allowed, Chloe was bringing Luke, my 4 year old nephew to the party but not Carrie who was only 6 months. Brandon's mom was supposed to babysit her. They were all so excited for tonight, even Lydia was.

Lydia and I went out few times over the last week. I even helped her choose a dress for tonight even though I had no experience in shopping. As I said, everyone was excited and me? More like nervous. All I hoped for was, for the night go peaceful.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I padded toward the bathroom feeling the wooden floor beneath my feet. I came in front of the mirror above the sink and inspected the plain woman staring back at me with dull blue eyes. Nothing extraordinary about her. Nothing to make a person glance back at her for the second time. I could see nothing that would make Tyler's eyes darken with a emotion so foreign to me. But he did.


The emotion floated in his eyes whenever it came upon me. I noticed it but would always shake it off for a mistaken observation. To be honest, it was hard to believe he feel that kind of emotion for me. A man with a body of Adonis, a face sculptured from the highest rank of male specimen. Dare I believe the little flicker of information I observed from Tyler?

You're so boring, Claire.

At once, I staggered back gripping the sink tightly, widening my eyes at the mirror. Did I just hear him...? I closed my eyes and rubbed the shock out of my face.

You're so stiff.

This time I wasn't that shocked but still, it made my body freeze to hear his words in my mind, accusing me.

This is all on you. I'm leaving because of you.

A year ago, the words were spoken when he stood in my doorway with his bag over his shoulder for the last time. The last time I saw his face before he disappeared from my life, hitting me with simple words that disabled my confidence in me to rise up. I still could remember the last words he threw at me as if he said it just yesterday. It wasn't the words that affected me most, it was more of the way he said it, more of the tone he used. The mocking one as if he knew what was best for me.

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