Chapter Eighteen

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Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.
- Honoré de Balzac

Claire Bishop

In the blink of an eye, a child becomes the light of your eye.

That was exactly what happened with me. I never thought a child who had a different DNA than mine would take home in my heart.

And with a child came, all the worries of the world. Hence, here I was worrying myself to death about a simple behaviour from Lydia. Maybe that was what a parent supposed to do. Worrying over nothing for their child.

Guess that made me a true parent.

I looked down at the red head who made me a parent in just one month. I couldn't believe it had been only a month since I saw a handsome guy in a suit offering his hand mfor a shake and getting a blast of my emotions in return.

Sometimes I pitied myself. There was something seriously wrong with me. There was no restrain for my emotions. I really needed to work on it or else Tyler would be convinced that I was a mad woman. Not that he didn't know already. I was pretty sure he already thought of me slightly crooked.

And speaking of the man, what was he still doing in the bathroom?

Due to my outburst half an hour ago, Lydia woke up. After removing all the signs of my outburst, I took Lydia back to the bedroom and took off her frock, letting her sleep in her inner wears. I didn't have any clothes for kids in my home but I had one T shirt for Tyler and that was with Tyler right now. He had been in the bathroom for quite a long time now.

Sighing, I left the warmth of my bed and walked toward the door, knocking slightly. "Tyler? Are you okay in there?"

There was a muffled response from inside before he opened the door, making me take two steps back.

"What were you doing in--" I abruptly stopped, widening my eyes in the process at the sight in front of me. I turned around when I realised I was staring shamelessly. "What the hell?! Where is your pant? Are you crazy?!"

I took one, two, three calming breaths to even the blood flow in me. Good God! He looked so....delicious. Not again.

"You were staring for a long time. I thought you would notice the pants." He answered from behind me. I could just imagine the smirk on his face.

I looked back at him then turned back again when I saw what made me turn away in the first place. "That's not a pant! That's..that's a ..boxer!" I choked out, shutting my eyes. I bet my cheeks already started being red.

He chuckled. "You don't expect me to sleep on that dress pant now, do you? Besides, I'm covered. That's what matters, right?"

"Covered? Barely!" I scoffed out.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you haven't seen a man like this before."

I gestured toward him, keeping my eyes close even though I was turned away from him. "It's not that. I barely know you."

"You know me enough to marry me." He pointed out. "Besides you should get used to the view. You'll be seeing a lot of this after our marriage."

That made my eyes open. Oh my. He was right. Totally right. After our marriage, I would be seeing lot more.

"And for God's sake, turn around. I'm not naked." He came beside me, taking me by my arm to turn me around but I backed myself to the bedside which made me look at the little girl sleeping in the middle of it.

"But your daughter is here." I tried to use his daughter in order to get him to wear a pant. I couldn't be in the same room with him dressed like that. This view was messing with my woman parts. With lot of self restraint, I gestured toward the 'boxer' and his daughter. "You can't be in that. Your daughter is here."

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