01. Vivian's Rage

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Partner In Crime
01. Vivian's Rage

Pain radiates from Vivian's jaw as her father takes a swing. Her head shoots back, hitting the wall. Her vision blurs slightly as the man swings again.

"Please." She pleas. Her voice is shaky and her tone his desperate. Tears pool in the corner of her eyes, beginning to fall down her cheeks as the taste of blood fills her mouth.

Her father grabs her by the shirt, slamming her against the wall again. Anger fills his eyes. Vivian meets his gaze, seeing only rage looking back at her.

He swings again, then flings her to the floor. The brunette gets to her hands and knees, coughing up blood. She can't see. Her tears cover her vision as her body aches. She watches as feet come into view.

She's kicked in the gut.

She falls, holding herself. "Please!" She screamed. Her voice continued to shake. Her pleas were desperate as she yelled.

"Shut up!" The older man yells, grabbing her by her collar. He flings her against the wall and pain shoots all the way down her spine again. His hand wraps around her throat as she begins to weep.

"Ple-" she can't speak. Her airflow's cut off and she begins to claw at his hand. Tears stream down her cheeks more rapidly as she tries to scream. She makes no noise.

She loses the energy to squirm and drops her hands, squeezing her eyes shut. She couldn't look at him any more. The rage in the man's eyes made her terrified. His breath reeked of alcohol. It always did. And she feared him because of it.

Vivian isn't sure what happens next. Her eyes were closed, so she didn't watch to see why the hand around her throat was suddenly gone. In fact, she didn't realize until she slid down the wall and landed on the floor.

She slowly pried open her eyes, a few tears seeing it as their opportunity to leave. It's then that she realizes her father's body laid in the floor.

A shadowy figure hovered over him. It had no legs, and was almost... ghost like. It had large claws that were digging into his chest and a faint red glow illuminated from it. Vivian stared at it in disbelief.

As if it felt her gaze, it stopped, turning to face her. Large, red, orb-like eyes stared back at her. She wasn't sure if it was the red glow from the eyes, or the blood staining its claws, but the creature was terrifying, sending chills down the girls spine.

Then it just vanished. It faded out of sight, leaving nobody but Vivian and her father's lifeless body.

She stayed on the floor for a moment, staring at the body, then quickly stood up, peering at it. Blood slowly seeped out of him, staining the white carpet. Gashes were where his chest should be. She could see down to the bone.

She stands there in disbelief for a moment, then runs.

She flings the door open, running in the direction of the woods. She runs like hell, every step she took radiating pain up her leg. The wind blows her hair and creates whistling in her ears. Tears blurred her vision and her heels bled as she sped up. She ran. And ran. And ran and ran and ran and-

She falls, tripping on a root and tumbles to the ground.

Vivian falls the floor, gasping for air. She's on her hands and knees, coughing up water and blood. Her clothes are soaked, and hair damp. Tears fall from her eyes. She'd been put in a tank of water to 'stimulate her mind.' But couldn't hold her breath much longer and-

Anderson took her out just in time. Any longer and she wouldn't a breathing.

Feet come in front of her and she stares at them for a moment before lifting her gaze. Anderson stared down at her.

"What do you want?" She hissed, spitting blood on to the floor.

"I want you to remember." He replied, grabbing her by the arms and lifting her to her feet. "I want you to channel that anger."

"Bite me." She scoffed, wiggling out of his grip.

He grabbed her by the wrist, digging his nails into her skin and then shoves her to the wall.

"I'm only keeping you alive because you can help me. As soon as you're no longer useful..." he lowers his voice and puts his mouth beside her ear, whispering. "I will kill you."

A shiver goes down her spine. "Then just kill me." She says, rolling her eyes and yanking her wrist out of his hand. "I'm not helping you murder people."

"But my dear, you've already killed. Why are you so stubborn to just do it again?"

"It was an accident." She says softly, dropping her gaze to the floor.

A pain hits her in the cheek as Anderson smacks her. "Nonsense!"

She clenches her fists, squeezing her eyes shut.

"You shut up and you do as I say. Do you understand?"


Another smack. The thwack echos through the silent room and Vivian winces, tightening her fists.

"Do you'd understand?!"

Then it all happened so fast. Anderson lets out a yelp. Vivian opens her eyes. Anderson clutches his arm, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a gun.

He shoots the ghost like creature and it vanishes.

The bullet lands in the wall beside Vivian, making her heart race. Anderson the stuffs his gun in the pocket and looks at the brunette on the floor.

The same rage her father always had was glazed over his eyes.

She got up and ran. Again. It's what she did.

But this time, she's stuck. Something's holding her down. She looks down. Hands were sticking out  of the ground, wrapping its fingers around her ankles.

She squirmed. It was no use.

Anderson laughed, slowly making his way over to her.

"No." Vivian pleaded.

"Guess your powers aren't so bad after all." He says, amused. Then he reaches in his pocket and in one swift movement hits her in the head with the handle of his gun.

Everything goes black.

Let me know what you think of the new Aaron Warner Fic! I absolutely love when people give me feed back!


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