05. Scars

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Partner in Crime
05. Scars


Vivian's hands shook as she sat down at the table. Warner looked at her, tracing her body with his eyes, but she couldn't tell exactly what part of her he was looking at. She wasn't sure if his gaze landed on her face, her breasts or her scars, but regardless it made her feel uneasy.

She wanted to look up and figure out what it was he was staring at, but her gaze remained on the food on her plate. She poked it quietly with a fork, nausea pooling in her gut.

Regardless of how thankful she was to have been saved, she didn't want to be here. Every pair of eyes seemed to be gazing at her, making her sweat under the pressure.

Her heart pounded out of her chest as tears pricked in her eyes. The room seemed to spin around her.

Then hands flickered in front of her eyes, revealing her embarrassment.

She cringed, clutching her fork tightly in her hand as gasps echoed through out the room.

"What's the matter, Love?" Warner asked softly. Vivian finally looked to see the blonde giving her a curious look.

"Nothing." She mumbled, moving her hair in a particular way so that its block her face from his view.

The man frowned, watching as she poked at her food.

"It doesn't seem like nothing, Love." He said. His tone was colder, more stern, sending a sense of uncertainty through Vivian.

She moved her hair from her face, sending a quick and cautious glance toward the blonde. His tone angered her.

"You want to know what's the matter?!" She finally said, slamming her silverware onto the table, making the glass of water beside her plate shake. "All you want from me right now it to sit here and look pretty! You rescued me from hell, which I appreciate, but then go and lock my ass in another room! I'm not going to just sit here and pretend! Pretend that nothing happened back there and that I'm just your princess! Because I can't! Because every time I look at my arms I'm reminded of who I was... what I did... and what happened to me because of an accident! And when everyone's eyes are always fixed on me, watching... waiting for me to snap! To kill! Like I'm some freak! Some murderer! That doesn't help either!"

She paused, catching her breath. Her chests rises and falls rapidly as she takes in a deep shaky breath and lets it out through a sigh. She closes her eyes, and when she opens them, the tears behind the dam in side her taking it as their chance to escape.

"I'm sorry. I-" she blinks back the tears as she meets warners gaze. Anger flashes in his eyes, putting fear into Vivian's gut. "Sorry."

Her voice is quiet now. Just like the rest of the room. Nobody says a word and an awkward tension fills the air. All eyes still remain on Vivian, loosing interest every now and again only to regain it as hands flicker in front of her face.

She wished she could disappear as she slowly picks up her fork, clutching it in her shaky hand.

Then suddenly, Warner gets up from his chair. He adjusts the cuffs of his sleeves and begins to walk, not looking behind him, but calling out for Vivian to follow.

She hesitates, but slides out of her chair, speeding up to catch Warner. She walks silently behind him, too afraid to say a word as he enters the elevator.

Awkward tension makes sure to tag along as they make their way to a different floor, but refuses to leave as the reach it.

It hangs beside their heads as they walk down the hall and enter a room. Vivian expects it to be her room, because she was uncertain as to what floor it was on and she couldn't tell the difference between the halls, so she's shocked as they enter.

This room was much larger. Words could not explain the elegance of the room or the beauty put in every last detail.

"Is this your room?" She asks softly, eyes dancing along her surroundings. It's the first word that's been spoke since she exploded and she's worried how Warner will react.

He nods. That's it.

Then, without warning he begins to unbutton his shirt.

"Woah!" Vivian said before she could help her self. She quickly spins around and covers her eyes. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Warner laughs slightly through an exhale, amused at her reaction. "Don't worry, Love. I'm not getting naked. There something I want to show you." There's a pause before the blonde informs Vivian she can turn around.

The girl takes in a deep, shaky, breath, preparing herself for what she might see. She then slowly turns around, coming to face the shirtless blonde.

He was beautiful. His bare chest showed just how muscular he was as Vivian's eyes traced his body.

The blonde spins around slowly, showing Vivian his back.

A soft gasp escapes the brunette's lips. Scars. Everywhere. Not an inch of his back remained untouched.

She slowly made her way to the man, slowly running her hand along the scars. Her hand grazed over the bumps the scar has made, making the hairs on the back of Warner's neck stand.

She then noticed the large tattoo on his back. "Ignite." She whispered to herself, tracing over the words with her finger. Warner winced, placing his hands in his head and flexing his arms at the pain of her hands coming into contact with a few of the fresher scars.

"Sorry." She said, panicking, trying to ignore the pink tint forming on her cheeks as his muscles flexed.

She carefully pulled her hand away as Warner turned around, meeting her gaze.

"I'm showing you this, Love, because I want you to know you're not entirely alone. I know- partially- what you've been through. I have a bad past too and I'm reminded of it every time I look at my back... so I know exactly how you feel."

Vivian gazed into his green eyes, her lips parted slightly in awe.

"But your scars don't make you ugly. Nor do they make you a monster. You're beautiful... and so is your heart. What you can do is amazing... don't let the gaze of other people make you think otherwise."

Vivian drops her gaze down to his shirt on the floor, trying not to look at his muscles. His arms were large and flexed with just about every move. He had a perfect body, completed with abs. He was gorgeous, but Vivian hated to admit it.

"Thank you." Was all that made it past her lips as Warner picket up his shirt, and began to button it back up.


Partner In Crime, Aaron WarnerWhere stories live. Discover now