07. Bullets From The Roof

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Partner In Crime
Bullets From The Roof (Chpt. 7)

A few days had passed since Warner had taken Vivian outside and she still couldn't seem to forget what Warner had brought up. Why didn't she have happiness?

She had almost every other emotion; Anger, Sadness, Fear, Anxiety, curiosity, embarrassment... and they were all a weapon of some sort, but happiness was something she didn't have. And she had no clue why.

But maybe it was for the best. All her emotions ever did was make matters worse. If happiness was one she had, then it was likely she would never be happy- all it would ever do would ruin the situation.

"Love?" Warner asks.

Vivian snaps out of her train of thought, looking over to the blonde. The two are in an elevator. Vivian had no clue when they got there, or where they were going , she had just been blindly following the man as she was lost in thought.

"Hm?" She asked, focusing as the elevator door opened.

The blonde exits, followed by the brunette. "Everything alright?" He asks.

Vivian nods. "Yeah." She said. Her tone wasn't convincing, and she knew that, but Warner didn't pry as he continued to walk.

Vivian followed close behind, stopping as the two reach the roof top. Warner walks slowly to the edge of the roof, peering over the side and gazing at the rows of soldiers. Vivian did the same, nausea pooling in her gut as she looked over the edge.

She stumbled a bit, but Warner steadied her by wrapping his arms around her waist. Flustered, the girl squirmed out of his grip, using her hair to block the pink tone that formed on her cheeks.

"You Okay, Love?" He asked, smiling down at her. He tilted his head, knowing he was making the girls stomach fill with butterflies.

"Yes." She said. She didn't look at him. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he got to her. "Just didn't know I'm afraid of heights."

She laughs lightly, forcing a smile. Then, as the heat in her cheeks fades, she tucks her hair behind her ear.

"You're safe up here, Love." He assures.

"When did I say you could start calling me that?" She asked, sending him a smug look.

Warner opens his mouth to speak, but closes it. He furrows his brows and narrows his eyes at the girl, then smirks. His eyes shift to the distance, as amusement fills him.

He wraps his fingers around the half wall that blocked them from falling and let out a sigh. "Well- Vivian, you're safe up here. I won't let you fall."

Vivian doesn't respond. Instead, she leans on the wall looking down at the ground ignoring the nausea that fills her.

Rows and Rows of men stood below them. Warner then shouted an order and the rows shifted their position.

Vivian's lips part in disbelief as she watches.

"Marcus Collins, Please stand." The blonde beside her shouted. Everyone knelt beside one man in the middle. He stood tall, but fear was plastered on his face as he nearly shook where he stood.

Then it all happened so fast.

Warner quickly reached in his pocket whipping out the gun in his pocket and shot the man in the forehead. The sound of the bullet echoed through the air and the man was dead before Vivian could even process what happened.

Vivian gasped, backing away from the edge. She couldn't look at the man as a pool of blood formed around his body.

Warner shouts something at the other men, but Vivian doesn't hear it. She chooses not to. Fear's in her eyes as her eyes dart to the blonde. He spins around, putting the gun in his pocket and adjusting the cuffs of his shirt as if nothing happened.

Partner In Crime, Aaron WarnerWhere stories live. Discover now