03. Trapped Again

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Partner In Crime
03. Trapped Again

Vivian's eyes scanned the wide halls as her and Warner, which she learned was the blonde's name, gradually made their way to the elevator at the end. The hall was large and filled with people, all of which were looking at Vivian.

She could feel it. And all honesty, she didn't blame them. She was a mess. Her hair was matted, her dress was tattered, and she was covered in dirt.

She would stare too.

But she was just glad her scars covered. The long sleeve prevented others from seeing her wounds, but more importantly herself.

But as she crossed the hall, she couldn't help but feel underdressed. As their gazes burned into the back of her head, she kept her gaze on the floor. Beside Warner, she felt so small.

The man was so quiet, but always wore a smug look on his face. He always had something so secretive about him that Vivian found odd, yet intriguing.

She wasn't sure if it was because her go to way of finding at more was faulty, or the look of wisdom in his eyes. But not the wise kind of wisdom. The kind of wisdom that means you've seen something you'd rather forget. The kinds that means you know stuff you'd rather not.

Vivian knew it all too well, and when she gazed into his green eyes, that's what she saw.

When they reached the elevator, Warner pushed the button and waited patiently for the door to open. Vivian couldn't help but stare.

The brunette might be stubborn, but she had to admit one thing. He was extremely attractive. And as if to make matters worse, he ran a hand though his hair, flexing his arm muscles as he did.

Vivian dropped her gaze and kept it there as she entered the elevator. The door dinged, then closed and they stood there silently as they went up.

"Love, there is no reason to be embarrassed." The blonde said softly, sending her a smile.

"I'm not embarrassed." She says, rolling her eyes. She crosses her arm.

"You know, Love, I'd be admiring you more if I had the time."

"Admiring?" Vivian scoffs. "That's what you think I'm doing?" She pauses, looking away to hide the pink tint forming in her cheeks. "And don't try and bullshit me. You wouldn't be admiring me. I look like shit."

Warner shakes his head and laughs softly as Vivian crosses her arms. "I wouldn't be so sure." He says, smiling as he meets the girls gaze.

Vivian's eye widen slightly at his remark. Her face heats and her heart skips a beat. But she drops her gaze, forcing a scoff. "Whatever you say."

As their conversation dies down and the elevator fills with tension, Vivian fidgets with her dress, hiding the smirk forming on her lips.

She didn't want the boy to know what he said was flustering her. She didn't want him to know how she was feeling. It was for the best.

People are scared of her feelings. Good or bad. It's best to just keep them hidden.

Relief floods Vivian as the elevator door dings, then opens. She follows behind Warner to the end of the hall, stopping as he pauses at the end of it.

He puts his palm on the handle, the opens the door, stepping aside for the girl to enter. When she's in, he follows, shutting the door behind her.

She pauses for a moment in the doorway.

"Woah." She said under her breath, unable to stop herself.

Her eyes scanned the large room. The walls were tall and white, littered with painting with golden frames. The room was tall, giving it just enough room for the large canopy bed that had been centered in the room.

White end tables sat on either side of the bed, vases of flowers sitting on top.

A large white wardrobe sat next to the door they had just used to enter. Another door laid on the left wall, connecting the main room to an extremely large bathroom.

On the right wall, a canopy was connected by two large glass doors. It overlooked the scenery, making the room look even larger than it was.

Vivian deflated however as realization slapped her in the back of the head. Her smile faded as she spun around to face Warner.

"This isn't mine, is it?" She said softly, trying to hide the disappointment in her words.

"Of course it is, love." The blonde says, gently rubbing his hand along the sheets of the bed. "All of it."

Vivian made her way to the bathroom to hide the smile forming on her lips. She wasn't about to give Warner the pleasure of knowing she was grateful for the room.

She flicked the lights on and peered into the room. She scanned the large bathroom with her eyes, making sure her gaze never landed on the mirror.

After a moment, she flicked the lights off and exited the bathroom. She made her way back to the main room, and watched as Warner placed his palm on the door handle.

"I'll send a soldier down in about an hour." He said, eyes quickly glancing toward the clock. "Make yourself at home, all I ask is that you're ready by the time he comes to get you."

Then he turns the handle and opens the door. He slips into the hallway and shuts the door behind him. Once the door is sealed, a click sound indicates the door is locked.

And Vivian's heart sinks.

She's overwhelmed with a nauseous feeling as her stomach ties itself in knots. Her heart begins to race as she realizes she's locked in side a room. Again.

She reaches for the handle, attempting to twist it. She shakes it violently as tears begin to pool in the corner of her eyes.

"No..." she weeps.

A purple hand suddenly emerges from the door and grabs her wrist as fear takes ahold of her. Vivian lets out a yell as she pulled against the door.

She pries herself out of the shadow's fingers, then just stares at the door for a minute. Her heart pounds as tears make salty streams down her cheek.

She was locked in.


Partner In Crime, Aaron WarnerWhere stories live. Discover now