02. A Wake Up Call

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Partner In Crime
02. A Wake Up Call

Vivian's thrown to the floor. She winces as her head hits the ground, then watches as the door closes and seemingly vanishes. The door becomes flush with the wall, not even leaving a crack. The brunette's heart sinks.

She crawls to where she last saw the door, frantically feeling along the wall. Her heart and mind begins to race. Her breathing becomes rapid as she stands. The room around her seems to spin as she realizes she trapped.

She stumbles back, looking at the wall she couldn't find a crack in. Her eyes darted around as she began to panic. She held back tears and choked down screams.

"No." She chokes.

She begins to feel the other walls, but when it's useless she begins to claw at the damp stone. Trails of blood are left behind the paths her nails make. She circles around the room, stopping as she comes back to where she began.

"No." She says again. Tears well in her eyes and she begins to punch.

"No. No. No. No. No!" She pounds her firsts into the wall until her flesh is gone. Blood covers the spot on the wall, but she continues. Every swing sends pain through her hand and sends a thud echoing through the room.

She doesn't stop until she can't breathe.

She digs her bloody hands into her head, falling to her knees. Tears flow from her eyes as a shadow begins to circle her head.


Vivian panics at the sound of the voice, clawing at her head.

Trapped. Trapped. Trapped.

She screams.

The room continues to spin as the word repeats. The figure circling her goes fast and faster, driving Vivian insane. She puts her forehead against the ground and cries. She pounds her fists into the ground and pain shoots up her arm.

Then it just stops.

She slows her breathing, then slowly looks up.

Looking back at her is.... Her. Or rather her Silhouette. The shadow sat across from Vivian, looking directly at her. Her sadness reflected in it's vibrant blue eyes that gave off an eerie glow.

A tear slipped down Vivian's cheek, then the shadows.

She reaches out to touch the figure, but it vanishes, a smoke surrounding her hand.

After a moment, She pulls her hand back and brings her knees to her chest. She rests her forehead on her knees and closes her eyes. And she prays that they won't open again.

Month's had passed. That's month's Vivian had gone without talking. Without seeing another person.  Months that Vivian had slowly been working her way to insane.

Months had gone by, but it was one day in particular that stuck out to Vivian.

The day she woke up with a gun to her head.

"Get up." The soldier hisses.

Vivian doesn't move.

"Get up!" The solider yelled again, kicking her in the side.

The one day she decided to sleep on the ground.

"Come on man, is it really a good idea to piss her off?"

"Shut up Kenji." The soldier said as Vivian stood, putting her hands up. The soldier yanked her arms and placed them aggressively behind her back. "Ya fucking baby."

The soldier then pushes her out the door and down the hall. The lights are on and almost blinding as she stumbles down the narrow path.

When they reach the room at the end Vivian is shoved to the floor. She laughs as the man in the chair in front of her spins around.

"You're finally going to do it." She says, struggling onto her knees and staring into the man's green eyes. "You're finally going to kill me because you realized I'm too incapable to do it myself."

The man looks at her for a moment, running a hand through his cleanly cut, blonde hair.

"Love, I'm not here to kill you." He says. He stands, makes his way over and kneels in front of Vivian. "I'm here to save you- to free you."

Vivian narrows her eyes slightly. She waited for a moment to see if he was lying, but her usual technique was faulty. Normally, when curiosity got the best of her, although unknown to anyone else, a hand with an eye would appear in front of the face, grab ahold and then share any secret it found.

Normally it'd tell her if the person was lying, but now, it just glitched and faded away.

The man noticed her odd expression of confusion, and gave her one of his own.

Vivian laughed again, shaking her head.

"Bull shit." She says. "After so long, why now?" She pauses and rolls her eyes. "You don't want to free me. I'm Insane. I know damn well you're afraid of me. You think I might... SNAP!" She jumps forward, but to her surprise the man is unfazed.

The soldier beside him, however, flinches.

"You're not insane, love. Just damaged." The man says, adjusting the cuff on his wrist. "I'm here to change that. You've suffered for long enough."

"Don't call me that."


"I have a name." The brunette hisses.

"Right..." the man says. "Look, Vivian. I think it's time you leave this hell hole."

"Me and you both." She hisses. "But I'm probably not cut out for social interaction." She pauses gesturing to the guard beside him. "He seems to think so."

The blonde in front of her shifts his gaze to the solider, than back to Vivian.

"Vivian, please..."

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.

"You don't." He says. He pauses and meets Vivian's gaze. It's then that she realizes just how beautiful he is. His eyes are a beautiful shade of green that compliments his golden hair. His jaw is perfectly shaped and it's finished with a smile. "But you can."

Vivian swallows the lump in her throat.

"Okay." She says softly, dropping her gaze. "But there's obviously something in it for you. This isn't just butterflies and rainbows, you wouldn't let me out of you didn't want something in return."

"In return..." he says. "All I ask is that you let us run a few tests."

"Tests?" She says, almost laughing. "Why? So you can tie my to an IV and tell me I'm insane? I don't need a test to know that."

"No. We just want to know how you can do what you do. It won't be anything bad, just small tests here and there."

Vivian shrugs. "Look, Handsome. I've already been through hell. Try your worst."


Partner In Crime, Aaron WarnerWhere stories live. Discover now