06. Lack of Happiness

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Partner In Crime
Lack of Happiness (Chpt. 6)

After breakfast, Vivian followed close behind Warner as he pushed through the large halls, making his way to the two glass doors at the end.

After her and Warner's talk the other night, she felt more comfortable at the table. Knowing someone like him- so strong- had gone through the same thing she had made her feel better. While she still had her insecurities about the scars that littered her body, it was nice to know she wasn't alone.

Warner pushes open the door, stepping into the fresh air of outside. She follows close behind, taking in a deep breath of the cold breeze.

"How long has it been?" Warner asked, turning back to face the brunette.

She furrows her brows, looking up at the sky rather than the man. Her eyes danced along the clouds above her, a soft smile forming in her lips. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Since you've been outside." He explains. He continues to walk forward, a smirk on his lips as he saw the fascination in the girls eyes.

"I have no idea." She says. But as the word leaves her lips, she remembers. Her face falls and she lets out a sharp breath. Warner narrows his eyes at Vivian as he notices.

"Are you sure, Love?" He asks. His voice is calm and collected as it's carried by the wind to the girl's ear.

The brunette bites her lip and drops her gaze to the ground. She takes in a deep shaky breath and rubs a hand along her arms. Tears slowly form in the corner of her eyes but she blinks them back as she slowly hugs herself.

"After I..." he voice breaks. "After I killed by dad." She says.

Warner turns to face her. He's surprised. He's not sure why, he knew about the mistake she made in the past, but he didn't have a clue that was the last time she was outside.

"The last time I was outside for a long period of time was after I killed my dad." She swallows the lump in her throat as she follows close behind Warner. Stray tears slowly drop down her cheek. "When I ran."

The blonde runs a hand down his face, unsure what to say.

"I haven't had fresh air in... forever." Vivian says. She smiles weakly, taking in a deep breath of air.

Warner laughs to himself, stopping his walk. He turns around to face the brunette, gazing down at her with a smile on his lips. "I wouldn't consider this air fresh." He says.

Vivian rolls her eyes, shoving him lightly in the chest. "I'll take what I can get."

Warner stumbles back slightly as his hand makes contact with his chest. He lets out a huff, taken aback by her movement. But it brings a smile to his face and he's unsure why. A feeling forms in his chest that he's unfamiliar with and his heart skips a beat.

The brunette smiles, letting out a sigh. "You have no idea how much I've missed this." She says, meeting the blonde's bright green eyes. "Back in that prison Anderson had me in... I only ever go to see outside through a tiny window."

Warner stiffen's at the sound of his father's name, but Vivian doesn't notice. Instead, she walks over to the tall grass near by and brushes her hand along it. The blades of grass tickles her hand as they dance along her palm, bringing a smile to her lips.

She then spots a tiny purple flower by her feet and crouches down. She plucks it from its spot in the yard, spinning it in her fingers. One by one she picks apart the petals, a smirk on her lips all the while.

"Thank you, Warner." She says softly.

Warner barely hears her words, but furrows his brows as he does. When the girl looks up at him, standing, he tilts his head ever so slightly.

"You're thanking me for bringing you outside?" He asks, confused.

Vivian nods slightly, feeling foolish as she drops her gaze, the step of the flower slipping out of her hand. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but I forgot what grass feels like." She swallows the lump in her throat. "And how blue the sky can be."

Warner strides to another flower, picking it out of the patch of clovers it was located in. Then he stands, looking at it. It looked so much larger in Vivian's delicate hands, but seemed so small in his.

"Back in my room, the sky was always painted a dull gray." She explains as Warner comes up to her. His gazed is momentarily fixed on the flower, but he looks up and offers her a gently smile.

"You're out now." He says, carefully taking her hand. He opens her palm, softly placing the flower in it and closing her fingers around it.

Then, he leaves his hand in hers, gently grazing it with his thumb.

"And I'm glad." She replies. "Thank you."

Warner nodded in return, but his smiles faded and eyebrows furrow as he notices something.

"You don't have happiness, do you?" He asks.

Vivian's lips part in shock as she stares at the man. She tilts her head ever so slightly and laughs awkwardly. "What are you talking about?"

"Love, you're no doubt happy right now, but yet your..." he pauses, waving his other hand in the air, trying to figure out what to call her abilities. "Emotion figures haven't appeared." He drops her hand. "You don't have one for happiness do you?"

Her words get caught in her throat and she drops her gaze. She didn't like to talk about her emotions, it was a touchy topic.

"I- No..." she says. She tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I'm not happy very often... so I don't think there was the need for 'an emotion figure"

Warner frowns. He's not sure why the lack of her happiness bothers him, but it does. And Vivian notices.

"But you're right." She makes sure to add. "I am happy."


Partner In Crime, Aaron WarnerWhere stories live. Discover now