The Feast

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I heard the name and I didn't really understand what it meant. When people heard the name they feared it and I simply couldn't discern why the people of this town would fear someone with the name of Necrodancer, it sounds quite silly and fun.

I soon came to understand their fear when I received and invitation from the Necrodancer, the nuns in the churches prayed for me, the people of the town gave me things to supposedly ward off evil, a crucifix, a small vial of holy water, mostly more Christian memorabilia, although I knew these items would hold no power within my hands.

In the night as dark as pitch only lamps which hung from the street posts illuminated any of my path, stepping from light post to light post I made my way to the edge of the town where a carriage awaited me, pale horses at the front with a hunched over man at the front, cloak around him and a hood pulled over his head, he practically melded together with the darkness.

I stepped up into the carriage and took a seat, feeling the velvet under my hands and the metal around where a window should be. But out of the window there was only darkness, had we gone away from the town already, I questioned. We jolted forward and I could head the steps of the horses making their slow way along the rocks of the trail.

Dread crept up within me and there was nothing stopping it, as if I could feel the evil coming from my destination. Although not being of the Christian faith I felt myself clutching the rosary gifted to me as the carriage came to a halt. Not a second after stopping the driver opened the door and ushered me out towards the great castle of the Necrodancer. As I step up the stairs of the castle the doors seemingly open on their own and I slowly and cautiously enter.

The doors shut and lock but I dare not look behind me for fear of what I may see. Instead I feel cold air being blown onto my neck sending chills down my spine. In a low rumbling yet silky smooth voice I hear "You are even more beautiful than I had been told." Frozen with fear and words caught in my throat I could do nothing but shake. "I apologize, you must be terrified." Says the voice and a well dressed man with long auburn hair steps from my side into view. "Follow me, this is a dinner I invited you to after all." He says with his hand outstretched.

Against every fiber telling me not to grab his hand I can do nothing else. His hand is soft and warm, calloused as if he had built this castle with his own hands yet gentle and comforting. These feelings could not stop my fear but they eased it slightly. I was taken into the next room which had a banquet on display, a long table which could fit at least twenty people which was filled with food. "All for show really, our dinner will be this way."

The room is smaller and the table occupying it is the same. A small rectangular table that would be found in any house yet it was lavish with carvings all along the legs. Two places were set at the table, one for me, and one for the man known as the Necrodancer. Still finding the name silly, it lessened my fear as I sat in the cushioned chair. The man did the same and faced me, I could now see his face.

The first thing I noticed were his eyes, seemingly a glittering gold, his lips were a cherry red, and not a single blemish dare made itself known on his face. He rung a bell and a man who was seemingly his butler came out with a cart of dishes. Placing a covered platter on each of our places and lifting them off dramatically to reveal a perfectly cooked steak with steamed and roasted vegetables on the side.

The man immediately began to eat. "Perfect as usual my friend, I really can't understand how you're able to do so much for me." He says to the butler. The butler simply smiles, bows slightly, and leaves through the same door he entered. "Now I assume you're aware of my reputation, given that you're wearing a rosary that was made in the town." He's now speaking to me, looking me directly in the eyes as he does. "There's no need to fear me, the title of Necrodancer I find to be a silly one, I do dable in alchemy but that's no magic, and I do enjoy dancing so I guess there's a bit of truth to the title."

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